Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Resolutions we have for 2016

January 4, 2016     booklovi     Feature, Top Ten Tuesday, Uncategorized

Top Ten TuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. It’s a fun way to make bookish lists every week about different topics. This week Erin and I are talking about our Top Ten Resolutions for 2016!

Jenny’s Resolutions:

  1. Read a little bit – every day!! One of my bad habits seems to be getting into dry spells where I don’t read anything at all for days or weeks at a time. It becomes very easy to get out of the habit of reading daily when everyday life is so hectic. So this year I want to make sure i’m reading something, even just a few pages, every single day.
  2. Take notes on what i’m reading. I always say i’m going to write the review right when i’m done reading the book and. . . it just doesn’t happen. So if i’m not going to be prompt about my reviews, then I need to at least take some notes while i’m reading so I don’t go back weeks later and have no idea what to write about.
  3. Get (and stay) organized. This doesn’t only apply to reading/blogging, but life in general. I am so much happier when I have a routine and things are where they are supposed to be. I want to know what I have requested, what’s coming up soon, and how long I have to get things done. I think this will be a huge one for staying productive and not getting overwhelmed with all the little things.
  4. Limit time spent on social media. It is so easy for me to get dragged into Twitter, or Instagram, or Pinterest. . .etc lol!!! And I know this is true for pretty much everyone. But I’ve realized that I waste So. Much. Time. just screwing around on the internet. And let’s get real, this is not to say I won’t use them. I love getting involved with friends, other bloggers and authors in fun discussions. I just want to set realistic limits on my time so that I can be more productive.
  5. Use my time wisely! This is huge for me. It’s so easy to get frazzled and try to do 5 things at once. As I get older I realize that if I focus all my attention on one task at a time, I not only get it done faster but i’m also actually checking things off my list instead of doing part of 20 things and finishing none of them. Of course this isn’t always possible, but i’d love to work towards that goal.


  1. Only buy books I’ll actually read– I have this bad habit of buying stuff that looks cool and letting it languish on my shelf.
  2. Read the giant backlog on my shelf– Serious, I have something like 400 unread books. This needs to end. Like soon.
  3. Remove the junk from my shelves– I need another major cull to make room for the new releases coming this year. And maybe to keep my shelves from collapsing. The individual shelves are all bending.
  4. Read what I want, not because of pressure– When a book’s release date gets close I get anxious. What if I hate the book because I forced myself into it? What if I don’t get it done in time. What if, what if, what if? No more.
  5. Don’t leave so many reviews in drafts– If you all could see my drafts… good lord. When I finish a book, I start a draft to remind me to review. Sometimes they just sit and sit and sit there. Blank, unreviewed, a reminder of something undone. Let’s see if we can throw those square into the DONE column soon.

Any of these goals sound familiar to anyone? Or were these past goals that you accomplished? I’d love to hear about it!

2 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Resolutions we have for 2016

  1. I feel ya on the dry spells–I get so busy that I don’t take the time to read a chapter or two, and before I know it a whole month has passed with no reading! That was December for me.

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