Comments on: Novelly Yours- Bookish Business Review A place for reviews, news, and all things bookish Mon, 18 Sep 2017 20:00:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: erinthebooknut Mon, 18 Sep 2017 20:00:32 +0000 In reply to Brittany @ Novelly Yours.

I loooove your upgraded labels, Brittany. They look so good! And the simple labels do make you stand out.

I personally have never had an issue with melting, but I’ll send the people I talked to your way. Considering they’re from areas like Florida and California its not surprising. ITS HOT. Not your fault, just something that’s been discussed.

Thanks for reading and commenting, I do love your candles and I can’t wait to buy more. You have some of the best customer service around!

By: Brittany @ Novelly Yours Mon, 18 Sep 2017 19:52:46 +0000 Thanks for sharing about Novelly Yours!! I appreciate the write-up!
I like to keep my labels “simple” so they’re versatile with photographs and can be incorporated into a lot of different things but I totally have the envy of the gorgeous backgrounds other companies use! They really are so beautiful! And woo hoo, yes! I did do a label upgrade to get a little bit better quality so thank you for sharing that! I’m so glad you like them and appreciate the upgrade!
I did want to speak up regarding the melting issues — that’s just the nature of soy wax!! It has a much lower melting point than other waxes (like paraffin or bee’s wax) and no matter what soy candle company you order from, soy candles should neeever be left out in the sun or on porches for an extended period of time! That melting can happen to any candle company – it’s one of a soy candle-maker’s nightmares! (And I always encourage people to contact me if there are any issues so if you ever hear from someone as you mentioned, send them my way!!)
Thanks again for posting!
