55 Quirky Questions for Readers

August 12, 2014     erinbook     Feature

This questionnaire was created by The Literary Lollipop to discuss reading personality, theirs and others. So let’s get started!

1. Favorite childhood book: The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley, I was named after the heroine. 

2. What are you reading right now? The Parasol Protectorate series.

3. What books do you have on request at the library? Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan and Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas.

4. Bad book habit: Failing to return library books on time and over buying books.

5. What do you currently have checked out at the library? Two seasons of M*A*S*H.

6. Do you have an e-reader? Yes, my Nook.

7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once? Several at once. 

8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?  I rely more on recommendations than I used to. 

9.Least favorite book you read this year: The Young World

10. Favorite book I’ve read this year: Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

11. How often do you read out of your comfort zone? 20-30% or so.

12. What is your reading comfort zone? YA

13. Can you read on the bus? Yep! 

14. Favorite place to read: Surrounded by pillows, blankets, and cats.

15. What’s your policy on book lending? Only to those I deem trustworthy.

16. Do you dogear your books? Certainly not!

17. Do you write notes in the margins of your books? No way!

18. Do you break/crack the spine of your books? God no!

19. What is your favorite language to read? Uh English!

20. What makes you love a book? Great world building.

21. What will inspire you to recommend a book? Depends on the book.

22. Favorite genre: Fantasy.

23. Genre you rarely read (but wish you did): Horror

24. Favorite Biography: There and Back Again: An Actor’s Tale by Sean Astin or Heartbreak and Triumph by Shawn Michaels

25. Have you ever read a self-help book? (And, was it actually helpful?) I don’t think so.

26. Favorite Cookbook: Pioneer Woman

27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction): The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

28. Favorite reading snack: Tea and a muffin.

29. Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience: Can’t think of any right now.

30. How often do you agree with the critics about about a book? 50%

31. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews? They’re necessary.

32. If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you choose? Italian

33. Most intimidating book I’ve read: The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien 

34. Most intimidating book I’m too nervous to begin: Under the Dome by Stephen King

35. Favorite Poet: Lucille Clifton

36. How many books do you usually have checked out from the library at any given time? 8-15

37. How often do you return books to the library unread? Only if I run out of time.

38. Favorite fictional character: Aerin Firehair from The Hero and the Crown

39. Favorite fictional villain: The Darkling

40. Books I’m most likely to bring on vacation: Depends on the day. Something new, probably. 

41. The longest I’ve gone without reading: A couple weeks.

42. Name a book you could/would not finish: The Young World

43. What distracts you easily when you’re reading? My computer.

44. Favorite film adaptation of a novel: Lord of the Rings, Divergent, or TFIOS

45. Most disappointing film adaptation: Eragon, City of Bones, Beautiful Creatures

46. Most money I’ve ever spent in a bookstore at one time: $45

47. How often do you skim a book before reading it? Very rarely.

48. What would cause you to stop reading a book halfway through? Stupid characters or irritating plot devices. 

49. Do you like to keep your books organized?  Obsessively, yes.

50. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once they’ve been read? Usually keep, but not always.

51. Are there any books that you’ve been avoiding? A couple of series finales. I don’t want them to end yet, I’m not ready. 

52. Name a book that made you angry: Twilight

53. A book I didn’t expect to like but did: City of Bones.

54. A book I expected to like but didn’t: The Girl From the Well

55. Favorite guilt-free guilty pleasure reading: The Buffy novels.

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