One day I will learn to stick to one book at a time.
Ha, that”ll be the day.
But here’s a new feature I’d like to try, called Currently Reading. Here I give my current thoughts and gut reactions about all the books currently on my “Currently Reading” list. Right now there are 5 or 6 such books, so let’s get started!
Audiobook: A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab
I’ve had this audiobook for a while, stranded at about the 1hr mark. I’ fallen asleep while listening and had to start over. Now that ACOL is out, I figured it was time to get to it and marathon them all.
So far, I’m loving ADSOM. I have about 4hrs left and I can’t wait for the next. I’m not sure if I’ll be reading it or getting the next audiobook.
eBook: The Alchemist of Loom by Elise Kova
I’m not very far at all. At the recommendation of my critique parter I picked up this book and from what I’ve read so far I can tell its going to be enjoyable. I can’t wait to see where it goes. I’ve got an ebindup of the rest of her books and I may have to start those next.
Physical: Frostblood by Elly Blake
Uggggh this book. It’s not bad, not even at little, but I am all kinds of stuck. For the life of me I just don’t feel like picking it up. I don’t know if it’s a slump thing or something specific to this book.
Physical: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas
I have been trying to finish this book for nearing 2 years. Similar to Frostblood, I just can’t bring myself to pick it up. I’m a third of the way in and it’s dragging a little. I don’t know if it’s that I don’t like the characters as much as TOG or if I’m just not to the good bit yet but it’s starting to honk me off.
Physical: The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury
I devoured the first part of this book when it came out but I set it down and haven’t picked it up since. I really should finish it.
ARC: The Last of August
Oh contemporary, how you annoy me. I actually really like these Sherlock Holmes relations running around and solving mysteries, unfortunately my more sweeping and magical fantasies have a bit more draw on my attention. But I’ll be finish this one up soon.
Do you read multiple books at once? What are you reading now? Share in the comments.
From my shelf to yours,
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