Month: August 2017

Spellbook of the Lost and Fo..

Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moira Fowley-Doyle

DNF Sigh. I find myself disappointed with this book, and really I’m not that surprised. Magical realism doesn’t usually sit that well with me. Be magical or don’t, don’t blah it up in the middle. But some part of me hoped that this would be the exception. I mean it’s Irish, I love Ireland. So […]

August 31, 2017

All the Dirty Parts by Danie..

All the Dirty Parts by Daniel Handler

3.5 Nuts Some of you may be sitting here musing to yourself “why do I know the name Daniel Handler?” Maybe you’ve read another one for his books, WHY WE BROKE UP, maybe not. But you probably have read a Daniel Handler book before, only you didn’t know him as Daniel Handler. You knew him […]

August 30, 2017

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by ..

Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

4 Nuts This is it, Bardugo’s Wonder Woman story is here. Everyone is losing their mind from the wait and expectation, except me it seems. Let me explain. I’ve never  never been a big Wonder Woman fan. In fact, for the longest time the only DC Heroes I enjoyed were Green Lantern, Green Arrow, The […]

August 29, 2017

Library of Fates by Aditi Kh..

Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana

3 Nuts Hrrrmm. This book is like what I imagine taking a massive acid trip to be. Ok, maybe that’s a bit extreme, but there are some REALLY strange mythologies that form the backbone of this world. And I think that’s how I felt about this whole book, that it’s just strange this entire book, […]

August 28, 2017

The Tailor by Leigh Bardugo

The Tailor by Leigh Bardugo

4 Nuts At 18 pages this story can hardly be considered a book, it’s not even really a story. It’s just a scene, a scene from the very first Grisha book SHADOW AND BONE from a completely different POV. So you may be asking “so why are you reviewing a scene that’s only 18 pages?” […]

August 28, 2017

The Queen of Attolia by Mega..

The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner

3.5 Nuts   THE QUEEN OF ATTOLIA is on such a bigger scale then the previous installment in the Thief quartet. Where THE THIEF was a contained adventure encompassing mostly just a few characters, THE QUEEN OF ATTOLIA determines the fate of at least 4 kingdoms, armies, and royal families. Though the scale is bigger, […]

August 27, 2017

Titan’s Curse by Rick ..

Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

4 Nuts Where books one and two in the Percy Jackson series are only ok, this third book is where the series really starts to get on its feet. This is the book where I remember really starting to get into the series, when I became fully invested in the characters. This has not changed […]

August 26, 2017

Identifying Advance Reader C..

Identifying Advance Reader Copies (ARCs): A Guide for Readers and Used Booksellers

Alright, we’ve got to talk about a thing here. Every time I walk into a used bookstore or a Goodwill I see tons of ARCs for sale. A few places don’t care and earn a permanent side eye from me. Others have told me that they were unaware of what arcs were and had no […]

August 25, 2017

My Life in Books Tag

My Life in Books Tag

I’m back with another tag I found on Dreamland Book Blog. This is the My Life in Books Tag, so let’s get on to these questions about me!   Pick a book for each of your initials… E- EON by Alison Goodman   M- Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson   R- Relic by Heather Terrell   Count your […]

August 24, 2017

Geekerella by Ashley Poston

Geekerella by Ashley Poston

4.5 Nuts Convention lovers and sci fi geeks have a book to call their own in GEEKERELLA, a nerdy retelling of the Cinderella fairytale. This book appealed to every part of my  joyfully geeky heart. It falls into one of the few contemporary categories I like: retellings, and I think I may have to add […]

August 23, 2017