Before Game of Thrones HBO wasn’t that great at doing adaptations. Sure, Trueblood was very successful but it wasn’t particularly faithful. In fact, there’s an entire season that consists entirely of what boils down to a chapter from one of the books. One season, a chapter. Stretching a bit thin you think?
But that’s not to say the show was bad, after all Trueblood did very well with audiences. And it’s certainly a good show if you separate it completely from the source material. Trueblood is one of those adaptations that stands alright on its own if you completely ignore that its an adaptation. But as an adaptation it’s pretty much a mess.
Season one is probably as faithful as the show ever gets, which is to say that most of the plot is there with a whole heaping portion of sex. As my mother put it “do they not realize there’s positions other than from behind?” Not something one often hears from a parent to be sure. Harris’ books have a bit of sex but nothing like the show. Unlike with GOT where a lot of that nudity and sex is on the page, the books in the series are pretty tame. For the most part.
Trueblood is definitely HBO’s practice run for GOT. Almost ever mistake they made with this show, they fixed for GOT. I just wish later seasons of the show focused more on plot and less on who is screwing who. That’s not why people read those books.
Adaptation rating:
Overall show rating:
The show is decent but I never finished it. I like I made it 3 or 4 seasons in, watching casually. The show does not work for teens but the books aren’t for teens either. Mature teens certainly can handle the books with no problem but I think the show is a bit much.
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