So out of the 90 books I’ve managed to read this year there are both good and bad titles. But mostly the books hovered around the middle average-good range.
Today I’d like to talk about the standouts, both in the good and in the bad categories. Strangely I didn’t read a huge number of new releases this year so these lists will be smaller than what you’re used to in these types of wrap ups. Still, I think there’s plenty here to talk about.
Let’s start with the good.
I love fairy tales, particularly the ones that are told in fictional worlds that I adore. So of course I was going to love this book, the question was only how much. The answer: I want about 15 more of these. Leigh Bardugo has taken known fairytale favorites and made them her own, and I loved every second.
I was not expecting to love this book. The only reason I even picked it up was because one of the authors was on Dear Hank and John. Now I watch their show, listen to Gaby’s podcast, and bought a copy for my best friend.
I am obsessed with Sharon Cameron. I read both The Forgetting and The Knowing this year and loved both of them. They’re sci fi meets mystery and thriller in all the best ways possible. I would love more books in this world.
*continuous flailing* *mouth foaming* *screaming* This was another serious I completely demolished this year in the span of about a month. If that’s not a telling review, I don’t know what is. These books are addicting, and their audiobooks are even better.
Honorable Mentions:
And of course, the worst books of 2017:
I DNFed this one. I thought it was going to be a cute, nerdy romp but instead it was awkward and depressing. Not my thing.
Slow, awkward, in retrospect I think I gave it a better review than it deserved. The ending was satisfying but the journey was rough.
The main character of this book is just SO unpleasant to read about. Daniel, why?
Everything in me wanted to love this book. I guess Penguin just had it a bit rough from me this year but I thought this book had many of the same problems as Library of Fates. It was slow and awkward and I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do with the ending. It wasn’t satisfying, just really weird.
This book was almost painful to read. I felt like it promised one thing and delivered something totally different and unreadable.
This book makes you hate Broody. A lot. Gone is the entertaining vibe, leaving only the arrogant shell behind.
Dishonorable Mentions:
What are your picks for the year? Share them in the comments or link to your own post.
From my shelf to yours,
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