Please note that any unsolicited materials sent to members of this blog are not guaranteed coverage. We make our selections carefully based on taste and other contributing factors. If you send us unsolicited copies please understand that we may decline to feature your book.
If you are interested in letting us review a book, Thank You! Please feel free to email us about it. However at this time we are closed for requests and will be unlikely to accept any books for review outside those we request ourselves.
The Book Nut is instituting a no trade/no sell policy for any unreleased, unread review copies. Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) or galleys will never be sold by any member of this blog for any reason. Any electronic matter (ebooks or audiobooks) will not be shared, copied, or reproduced in any manner by this blog’s contributors.
- Fantasy/Urban Fantasy
- Young Adult (within the genres on this list)
- Science Fiction
- YA Dystopian
- Fairy tale/myth retellings
- Mystery/Thriller
- Paranormal/Supernatural/Horror
- Gothic horror
- Dark contemporary (nothing mushy)
- YA Historical
- Graphic novels
- Picture books
- Middle grade (within parameters)
Genres I do not accept:
- Contemporary Adult Romance
- Erotica
- Creepy Nazi/Jew, Slave/Slave Owner books on any kind.
- Anything racist, promoting bullying, anti-LGBT+, shaming, or otherwise sketchy. These will be automatically rejected without notice.
I accept ARCs, ebooks, finished copies, and audiobooks. If the book is a part of a series, then I may need the previous books. Because it takes me less time to read them, physical copies (ARC or finished) are preferred and will be given priority over ebooks. I do use Netgalley and Edelweiss and have a Kindle but I have a difficult time reading on it.
Any books I receive for review also get posted on my Bookstagram/Instagram.
I DO NOT accept unsolicited requests for reviews from people who pull my email off of my Amazon reviews. This is not a good way to get me to read your book. I will most likely delete your request as I feel it’s a invasion of my privacy for you to mine for my information.
I also DO NOT accept unsolicited requests for reviews through my Twitter or Instagram account. If you decide to spam me with your book and ask me to review it — I will most likely ignore or block you. Please DO NOT Direct Message me on either account.
If I do not accept your book for review it is likely that I will not respond to your request.
I am currently closed for review requests.
- Fantasy
- Young Adult (within the genres on this list)
- Science Fiction
- YA Dystopian
- Fairy tale/myth retellings
- Mystery/Thriller
- Paranormal/Supernatural/Horror
- Gothic horror
- Dark contemporary (nothing mushy)
- YA Historical
Genres I do not accept:
- Romance
- Erotica
- Creepy Nazi/Jew, Slave/Slave Owner books of any kind.
- Mushy contemporary
- Literary fiction
- Magical realism
- Anything racist, promoting bullying, anti-LGBT+, shaming, or otherwise sketchy. These will be automatically rejected without notice.
I accept ARCs, ebooks, finished copies, and audiobooks. If the book is a part of a series, then I may need the previous books. Because it takes me less time to read them, physical copies (ARC or finished) are preferred and will be given priority over ebooks. This does not mean that I won’t read the ebook, only that it will take longer. Reading for long periods on my Nook tends to give me a headache. Any questions can be sent to my email.
If I do not accept your book for review it is likely that I will not respond to your request. I get over 50 emails a day and do not have time to answer every one.
Closed for review requests.
Reviews may make their way onto Amazon, Goodreads, LibraryThing, Booklikes, B&N, and other sites.
We write fair and honest reviews, but this does not mean we will always write positive reviews. I love books but I don’t love every book I read. Sometimes a book may not be to my taste or I find something I don’t like. I will be honest and explain why to the best of my ability.
If I do not finish a book I may write up a post explaining why. These will state that I did not finish the book, what page I read up to, why I did not finish, and if I plan on ever picking up the book again.
Book Ratings:
5 Nuts- A book I really loved. This is a book I would want for my shelves without fail to be reread over and over. This book would be recommended to all of my friends.
4 Nuts- A book I really liked. Most of the time this is a book I would want to own and recommend. Not a “perfect book” but a good one.
31/2 Nuts- An above average book. A book I enjoyed but not one I have to own.
3 Nuts- A book I liked but has enough flaws to be slightly distracting and affect my reading experience.
2 Nuts- A book that has some major flaws that negatively affect the reading experience. Will still have liked some parts of the book.
1 Nut- A book I did not like at all. I have found very few of these in my reading life.
As far as giveaways and other such things on this site, all information including names, emails, and mailing addresses will be kept confidential and not be stored, sold, or given out in any way. I will be the only one seeing your information and will never do anything with it other than sending out giveaway prizes.
All books reviewed on this blog are either bought, borrowed, won from contests or giveaways, or sent by publishers or authors for the purpose of review. All review copies or ARCs are given by the publisher/author/a third party in exchange for honest and thoughtful reviews. No monetary compensation of any kind is given or received for a review and all thoughts/feelings/and opinions are entirely those of the reviewers.