Author: Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Decep..

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer

3.5 Nuts Warning, spoilers, because I’ve got some stuff to say. This book the the 4th in a series, and it is about this point that I started TECHNICALLY growing out of the age grow for this series. But I was stubborn and loyal, and continued on until the last two books (which I now […]

October 20, 2017

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity C..

Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer

4.5 Nuts Of all the Artemis Fowl books this one is my favorite. Why you may ask? I asked myself the same question and I think I finally came up with an answer or two. As a kid I rarely thought about the reasons I liked thing. I just liked them or I didn’t, who […]

July 18, 2017

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Inc..

Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

3 Nuts Don’t let the 3 nut rating fool you, this is not a bad book by any means. For me 3 nuts is average, and that’s what this addition to the Fowl series is. Average. See, Artemis Fowl 1 is new and exciting, the start of an incredible adventure. Book 3 has such high […]

July 18, 2017

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

4 Nuts I loved the Artemis Fowl books as a kid. I got each one in hardcover as they came out and to this day own first editions of each one. Yeah, I’m that kind of a nerd. Still, It’s been a while since I’ve read them so I decided it was time for a […]

July 5, 2017

Artemis Fowl: Eternity Code ..

Artemis Fowl: Eternity Code – The Graphic Nut

It is the strangest thing to read a graphic novel version of a long beloved book. You have your own internal vision of how each character should look, their voice, the way they hold themselves. Then suddenly you have pictures of them before you and they look nothing like the ones in your head. It’s […]

June 28, 2017