Author: Rick Riordan

House of Hades by Rick Riord..

House of Hades by Rick Riordan

4 Nuts Where the early books in this series are on the simple side, the fourth installment is far from that. HOUSE OF HADES is a heck of a trip around the Mediterranean. I mean our heroes stop EVERYWHERE while getting into also sorts of hijinks with minor gods, thieving dwarves, and many monsters. This […]

January 20, 2018

Percy Jackson’s Greek ..

Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods by Rick Riordan

4.5 Nuts Ever wanted to know about the Greek gods but didn’t want to pick up a more stuffy version of the myths? Then Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods is your mythology book. Told from the POV of demigod Percy Jackson, this collection of myths comes complete with trademark sass and humor that is textbook Riordan. […]

January 18, 2018
1 Comment

The Demigod Diaries by Rick ..

The Demigod Diaries by Rick Riordan

4.5 Nuts For those who read THE DEMIGOD FILES this book is the next step up. Not only do these stories continue the backstory and inform the reader of what is to come in the HEROES OF OLYMPUS series but it also answers a few questions. How could Luke have gone so bad? Was he […]

January 17, 2018

The Demigod Files by Rick Ri..

The Demigod Files by Rick Riordan

4 Nuts This book is a weird mix of character bios, interviews, a look at Annabeth’s trunk, and a few short stories. The individual pieces are kind of hit and miss, but all of the stories are pretty solid and each is worth a read. Percy Jackson and the Sons of Aries 3 Nuts Not […]

January 16, 2018

The Mark of Athena by Rick R..

The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

5 Nuts We’ve meet Jason and gone with him to Camp HalfBlood. We’ve sent time with Percy and discovered the wonders of the Roman Camp Jupiter. Now the two  groups of campers come together and it’s just a little bit of a disaster. This book is when Riordan brings the heroes together to heap a […]

January 4, 2018
1 Comment

Son of Neptune by Rick Riord..

Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

5 Nuts baby!!! Hell. Freaking. Yes. This book is the start of the pure awesome that is Heroes of Olympus. Yes I know it starts with LOST HERO but where that book had a tendency towards slow introduction to new characters this one is an action packed intro into parts of the world we didn’t […]

December 13, 2017

The Lost Hero by Rick Riorda..

The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

3.5 Nuts Here we are, jumping right back into Percy Jackson’s world folks! This series is really the entire reason you want to read that first set of books, for the set up of this one. Where The Olympians series is really middle grade in every way, Heroes of Olympus makes the jump into full […]

December 12, 2017

Last Olympian by Rick Riorda..

Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

4 Nuts Of all the books in the Percy Jackson series (at least this first set), LAST OLYMPIAN is my favorite. It’s probably also arguably the best as well. After 4 books of build up and hard work Riordan has completed the first series in this world. But really it is only the beginning. This […]

October 22, 2017

Battle of the Labyrinth by R..

Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

4 Nuts Finally, after 3 previous books we get into the real meat of the Percy Jackson series. Now you may ask, “uh, why would I spend all this time reading these books if they don’t really get good until books 3 or 4?” I understand this sentiment. For hardcore readers, our reading time is […]

September 19, 2017

Titan’s Curse by Rick ..

Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

4 Nuts Where books one and two in the Percy Jackson series are only ok, this third book is where the series really starts to get on its feet. This is the book where I remember really starting to get into the series, when I became fully invested in the characters. This has not changed […]

August 26, 2017