Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers

Review: Blood Rose Rebellion..

Review: Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

4 Nuts Holy hype, Batman! This book has gotten so much play on blogs and through word of mouth. OF COURSE I had to give it a go after everything I heard. In this case, for once I think hype was not a detriment to its book. Now I’m not saying it was amazing or […]

March 1, 2017

Review: How to Hang a Witch

Review: How to Hang a Witch

5 Nuts   Think of your favorite Halloween movies. Now set aside the horror films and what stands out for you? For me two of the big ones are Hocus Pocus and ParaNorman, absolute must-watches every Haollween season. Now sprinkle in a dash of Mean Girls and you have Adrianna Mather’s How to Hang a Witch.  […]

October 31, 2016

YA Review: Eragon by Christo..

YA Review: Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Because Eragon came out in 2003 when I was still pretty young, this book still falls into the “throwbacks” category. However, since the last book in the series came out in 2011 I can’t put the entire series into a Thumbing Through Throwbacks post. Because of that, and since I just did a complete series […]

January 1, 2016