Publisher: Scholastic Press

Poisoned by Jennifer Donnell..

Poisoned by Jennifer Donnelly + Giveaway!

  We are super excited to be a part of the POISONED Blog Tour! Special Thanks to Rockstar Book Tours for having us! Title: POISONED Author: Jennifer Donnelly Pub. Date: October 20, 2020 Publisher: Scholastic Press Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook Pages: 320 Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, Audible, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD,   From Jennifer Donnelly, author of the acclaimed New York Times bestseller Stepsister, comes a fairytale […]

October 1, 2020

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collin..

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

2.5 Nuts Back when I first read this book I absolutely hated it. I would have given it one star and tossed it out a window. This time going through I chose a different format: audiobook. Now whether it’s the fact that the narrator was great or that the book has improved as I’ve aged […]

February 17, 2018

Catching Fire by Suzanne Col..

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

3.5 Nuts WARNING, SPOILERS It’s been a long time since I read this book. While I’ve reread HUNGER GAMES at least once, CATCHING FIRE I’ve only read in parts. Part of this is because it has a bit of a slow start. I’ve gone back and read the part about the Quarter Quell but skipped […]

February 16, 2018

The Hunger Games by Suzanne ..

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

4.5 Nuts Damn. I forgot how good this book was. I’ve recently gone back to read many of the books I read pre-blog to see if my opinions have changed as I’ve gotten older. Some of the books, like INSURGENT have not held up at all. Others remain the same, like Harry Potter. Other’s still […]

February 13, 2018
1 Comment

Don’t Cosplay Wth My H..

Don’t Cosplay Wth My Heart by Cecil Castellucci

4.5 Nuts Doo doo dododo doo GEEK! As you well know I don’t read much contemporary. Mostly the entire genre just bores me. But what little of the genre I do read usually falls into one or two categories. This book falls into the largest one of my preferences: geek lit. We’re talking full on […]

February 5, 2018

The Sleeping Prince by Melin..

The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury

4 Nuts When I first began to read this book I thought to myself, “oh no, second book syndrome”. New unfamiliar characters, gritty places, and an almost completely different feel to the first book. It’s almost like reading an entirely different first book to the series. It’s a strange feeling. But I push through and I’m […]

December 20, 2017

The Knowing by Sharon Camero..

The Knowing by Sharon Cameron

4.5 Nuts Somehow between all the craziness in my life I’ve managed to read one book, and that book was all I needed. I’d rather read one amazing book in the small amount of time I have than blast through a thousand ok ones. So in picking up a new book when I’m this buy […]

October 31, 2017

The Knowing by Sharon Camero..

The Knowing by Sharon Cameron- Blog Tour

We are so excited to be on THE KNOWING blog tour!  Check out the giveaway below!   4.5 Nuts Erin didn’t get her review up in time, but she really enjoyed THE KNOWING and rated it 4.5 stars! About Sharon: Sharon Cameron was awarded the 2009 Sue Alexander Most Promising New Work Award by the […]

October 18, 2017
1 Comment

The Raven Boys by Maggie Sti..

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

DNF (x2) That’s right, folks. I’ve DNFed this book not once, but twice now. I have never finished a Maggie Stiefvater book. Not once. I follow her on Twitter, I think she’s very funny and interesting, but I just cannot get into her books. On top of that, I don’t even really get the hype. […]

October 6, 2017