That’s right, it’s book haul day! I have 11 books to show you all today so sit back with your Goodreads open and let’s get started.
The first book I got was written by a very good friend of mine, Laura Heiser. This is her first book, a post-apocalyptic zombie novel that is the first in a series of dystopian, post-apocalyptic companions. Check this book out! It’s available on Amazon, both in paperback and Kindle formats. I got mine signed by the author so it’s extra special to me.
Daylilies by Laura Heiser
Last summer I went on an amazing dystopian kick and read every single one I could get my hands on from the library. Many of the books in the next part of this list were part of that dystopian binge. Amazon’s bargain section is insane right now. There are tons of fantastic, popular books there for cheap!
So this book was among my favorites in my dystopian binge. I really loved it when I first read it and I can’t wait to read it again! This book is about a family who locked themselves in a bunker because of a great calamity on Earth. It is set to open after so many years but they are not even close to that happening yet. Problems start to arise and they begin to wonder if they aren’t all safer outside.
The Compound by S.A. Bodeen
Now there’s a sequel too and I must have it!
This book was also part of my dystopian binge. It is the first in a trilogy of which I’ve only read the first two (must get my hands on book three, dear God, I must have it)! I did something I’m going to regret later but I bought book one and two in the Amazon bargain section but one is paperback and the other is hardcover. Why did I do that? That was dumb. But I wanted them so bad and they were so cheap!
In world where the sun has turned the world to wilderness, the rich are able to live safely inside the Enclave. Everyone else lives outside its walls including Gaia Stone, a teenage midwife. She, like her mother, must give a up a quota of the babies she delivers to be “advanced” into the privileged Enclave. Her parents are suddenly arrested and she questions everything she knows.
Birthmarked (Birthmarked #1) by Caragh O’Brien
Also book two in the Birthmarked Trilogy! I’m not going to give a synopsis on this one or it will spoil book one!
Prized (Birthmarked #2) by Caragh O’Brien
This book is also from the Amazon bargain section, also a dystopian, and also part of a trilogy. I do not have either of the two sequels to this book but they are high on my wish list. I read this one back in my dystopian summer binge as well.
Hey look, another enclave! In this world a person only earns their name if they survive their first 15 years. You can be one of three things: Builder, Breeder, or Hunter. Our main character, Deuce, has always wanted to be a Huntress. Not that I blame her, pretty cool job. Not everything is as it seems down in the underground enclaves where they live.
Enclave (Razorland #1) by Ann Aguirre
This is a book that I knew only one thing about when I say it in the bargain section of Books-A-Million (only $3.00 for the hardcover, score!). All I knew was that I had seen this book on dozens of booktuber book hauls. I really trust the opinions of the booktubers I subscribe to. These people have great taste. So when I saw this book I knew it had to be mine. I haven’t read this one yet but I will.
2032 AD, sixteen years after an awful plague wiped out the majority of the population a girl, Eve, discovers a horrible secret about what really happens to graduates of her all-girls school. This book is also the first book in a trilogy.
Eve (Eve #1) by Anna Carey
I have heard too much about this book not to pick it up. This book sounds awesome. It is part of a dualogy, not a trilogy! I love trilogies and all but it is nice not to have to pick up three books to read the whole story. But I’ll write about my feelings on trilogies and series another day. This is also from my Amazon bargain section haul and is a hardcover! I could not pass it up.
Cas Lowood hunts and kills ghosts. Anna is an eternally 16, angry ghost who rips apart anyone who dares enter her house. Anyone but Cas.
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1) by Kendare Blake
This next books is another $3.00 hardcover from Books-A-Million. I believe I heard about this one from Brad from YABookReview on youtube. This book sounds awesome and I’m annoyed that I have to wait to read it. Another first book in a trilogy will make its home among my shelves.
Helen tries to hide that she is different. She has dreams about deserts and wakes up to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. She unlocks her heritage and realizes that some myths aren’t just stories and that her demigod powers may not be enough to keep Fate away.
Starcrossed (Starcrossed #1) by Josephine Angelini
Oh look, another first book in a trilogy! The best part is this book is a hardcover and it was free! Books-A-Million has a lovely deal if you buy 2 of its bargain books, the 3rd one is free. This was another book I’ve seen all over the booktube community and blogosphere. I am annoyed that when I get the others in the series, they aren’t going to match this one. *GIANT SQUID OF ANGER!* But we will talk about that another time.
No one knows why Juliette’s touch is fatal. No one really cares as long as she doesn’t touch anyone else. The world is falling apart around them and The Reestablishment wants to use her as a weapon. Be a weapon or be a warrior.
Shatter Me (Shatter Me #1) by Taherah Mafi
Both myself and fellow newbie blogger/author of Daylilies, Laura (her blog is called Bibliophile at Best) bought this next book to read together as a sort of book club. It was $3.60 in the Amazon bargain section and we had to have it. Sadly it will not be arriving until October because we bought them on the same account with the last book in the Divergent trilogy, Allegiant. This cover is awesome by the way, why did they change them? I want this whole series, especially Fathomless. These are fairytale retellings.
Scarlett March lives to hunt werewolves, one took her eye while she defended her sister from a brutal attack. Now she will not rest until every one of them is dead. With a blood-red cloak and a hatchet she hunts them down.
Sisters Red (Fairytale Retellings #1) by Jackson Pearce
Let me start by saying I love Jane Austen. The real Jane Austen. I read Pride &Prejudice and Zombies and thought it was okay I suppose. Even by a parody’s standards it was just sort of meh. I’m hoping this one is better. Not that I expect it to be great. But it was two bucks so why not try it out? I will still always love my original Austens.
This book expands the original text of Austen’s great work with giant lobsters, octopi, and other monsters. It follows the story of Sense and Sensibility where a family of women are evicted from their home and must go live elsewhere. Elinor falls for a gentleman, Edward Ferrars, while Marianne falls for both Willoughby and Colonel Brandon. Wait, Brandon is a man-monster? What have you done to my Colonel?!
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters
I’m going to cry, my poor Brandon. Maybe PPZ will be the better book after all. *sigh* Well that’s all for this haul. If you want to know more about any of these books, especially the ones I’ve read, comment below!
As always:
Happy Reading!
The Book Nut
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