Storytime Sunday: Wishes Come True by Laura

October 19, 2014     erinbook     Feature, Storytime Sunday

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted here at The Book Nut where we share short stories that myself and others have written. Want your story featured? Email me!

Today’s story is written by Laura. Enjoy!

Wishes Come True
  The word of the day is “shock”. The night before, Mother had told me that I was adopted. I can’t imagine why she would choose my birthday to break the news. Apparently, she’d wanted to wait until I was eighteen.
                My eyes were puffy from crying, my mouth was sticky from berry juice, and I just knew my face was bright red and splotchy. I couldn’t believe it- I wasn’t really Corinna Patience Morgen, daughter of Paul and Stacy. My red hair, blue eyes, and temper had all come from strangers. How could they have kept it from me? 
                I sat up and looked around. The trees all looked unfamiliar, although I’d explored every square inch of the woods behind my house a million times. 
                I stoop up and climbed the big oak tree in front of me. I’d always been a climber. Once I reached the top, I looked out over the woods, and nearly fell back down to the bottom. 
                All around me, as far as I could see, was more woods. A vast sea of green surrounded me, much larger than my woods. I swallowed the lump in my throat- these were not my woods. I must have stepped into a fairy ring in the dark. I mentally slapped myself; how many times had Mother and Father warned me to watch my step in the woods?
                Then I realised something- I was stuck. Before I’d fallen asleep, I’d picked some berries and eaten them. I regretted the words I had so hastily thrown at my parents- my parents who had only been trying to protect me and love me.
                I’d screamed, “I wish I could just leave and never come back! I wish I didn’t have you liars as parents! I hate you!” … and it looked as though my wish had come true.


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