Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted on The Book Nut that shares short stories that myself, my friends, and other aspiring writers. If you want to have a story featured shoot me an email.
Today’s story is another short-short story from Laura. Enjoy!
An Advance Apology
You should know something about me. I cannot help myself. See, I have this… compulsion. I don’t do it because I want to; I do it because I must. I just don’t know why- something comes over me.
Whatever it is, I can’t control it. It scares me so much when it happens! I lose all control over my body- I feel like a prisoner. None of this is my fault! I’ve tried confessing, but nobody will believe me! They think that such a small girl could never commit such atrocities. Of course, I couldn’t, but whatever is controlling me can, and it knows enough to cover our tracks.
Now that I’ve explained myself, can you forgive me for standing behind you this whole time with a hammer?
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