2017 Reading/Blogging Resolutions

January 4, 2017     erinthebooknut     Personal

2016 was a really rough year. I think a lot of us feel this way, many of us have said that 2016 just needed to die. I dropped the ball hardcore on blogging (crazy work stuff got in the way) and I have a giant pile of half read books on my nightstand. Heck, I only made it just over 50 books on my 100 book reading challenge.

Also a lot of personal junk happened.

I got married!

My husband had surgery and I was a giant ball of anxiety for like two weeks.

My brain was a giant bag of dicks to me. A lot. Yay anxiety. Yay depression. Not.

That being said I’m determined to own 2017 and make it a great year personally and in the reading/blogging sphere. So here are some of my resolutions for the coming year.



Finish some series- I’m so bad at this. I’ll read the first two books in a series and when the third comes out I’ll but it off FOREVER! Jennie and I have both resolved to fix this with a reading challenge. I want to finish all of the unread series enders on my shelf.

Finish the pile of half-read books on my bedside table- good GOD this needs to happen. My side table is nothing but half read books. There’s like 8 of them. GAH!

Read my unread ARCs- This shelf needs to be cut down. Bad. I want to read more of them and then send them off to other people who may want them. Trade them, donate them, they just need to GO.

Read every day- I sucked at doing this last year. Let’s fix this. I want to finish at least a book or two a week. I’ll never be at the 2 a day I used to be at in high school but I’d like to be at more than 50 books a year. COME ON SELF!

Read at least 100 books this year- That’s my goal every year, but for this first time I actually failed! Ahhh no! Fix it, fix it, fix it now!



Post every week- I used to post every day. I’ll never be at that level again, it was MUCH too much. Ideally I’d like to do two posts a week but I’ll start at one.

Review books after I read them- I have a bad habit of reading a book and forgetting to review for a month or more. Come on, me, get it together!

Bring back some old features- This one is up to you guys to help me decide which ones! What do you want to see? Thumbing Through Throwbacks? The Thing About..? Tips and Tricks? Storytime Sunday? Comment your thoughts, or even ideas for new features. And if you haven’t seen these features before, they’re all archived! Go check out the Features Archive in the menu bar!



Finish a writing a book- I have two plotted and two mostly formed ideas with titles. One of these needs to become a full draft by the end of this year before I scream. 4 CHANCES, SELF! GET ON IT!

Get control of my library-

  1. Only buy books I’ll actually read.
  2. Cut down the books I’m never going to finish or read.
  3. Read more of my unread books.
  4. Get series all in the same format.
  5. Reorganize the ridiculousness that is my collection.
  6. Don’t buy so many random ebooks unless I actually want them. (curse one click!)

Share more books with my friends and family- READ THE THING!


So that’s the resolutions for 2017, what are yours? Share in the comments!

From my shelf to yours,


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