Some of you know I’m writing a book. It’s been a long process and the next time I do something like this I will be plotting the entire thing BEFORE I start writing. Still, it’s giving me a lot of joy.
Yes, David, I do.
For the first time I feel comfortable in what I’m doing. I’m enthusiastic, I’m not such a miserable human being all the time. I’m happy. It’s good.
One day, if I’m lucky, I’ll publish this book. The sad reality of that means that if that happens, I won’t be blogging anymore. 🙁 Still, we’re a long way away from that and I’m building my author platforms.
So, here’s where ya’ll can find me in you’re interested in my writing stuff:
Twitter @ erinrupertwrite
And my brand new website and blog
If you want to read about my writing and other such things go ahead and hop over to my website, I’ll be sharing the whole process there on my blog. I would love it if you guys would follow me there, but of course you don’t have to.
So far I’m about 1/4 of the way through my first draft, have created a fully worked out map of the world, and am working on plotting out the conclusion to the duology. It’s a lot of work but I’m really enjoying it.
Anyway, that’s what I’m up to. If you guys write, shoot me links to your websites as well (if you have them). I’ll be sure to check them out!
From my shelf to yours,
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