Month: August 2017

The Last Magician by Lisa Ma..

The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell

3.5 Nuts Hello friends. If you’re looking for a book with a bit of magic and a dash of time travel set in historical New York then I’ve found your story. Lisa’s Maxwell’s THE LAST MAGICIAN is a large book, and it is not a quick read, but it is a good read and I […]

August 7, 2017

Discussion: Audiobooks

Discussion: Audiobooks

            I’ve listened to audiobooks since I was a kid. I vividly remember lying on the floor in my bedroom coloring as Jim Dale read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I sat in the living room as Bunnicula: A Rabbit Tale of Mystery played in the background, Victor Garber’s voice weaving pictures […]

August 7, 2017
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Snuff the Sequel- Goal Updat..

Snuff the Sequel- Goal Update

Some of you remember our Snuff the Sequel challenge for this year, how is everyone doing on their challenges so far? Me? Well I haven’t gotten very far. Of the 47 books I wanted to read this year I have read a total of 2. A Gathering of Shadows and A Conjuring of Light by […]

August 6, 2017

Hunter by Mercedes Lackey

Hunter by Mercedes Lackey

4.5 Nuts Mercedes Lackey is a force to be reckoned will when it comes to sheer numbers of published works. With over 100 novels under her belt, she’s not what anyone would call a newbie. Though some of her earlier books might have been consider YA had they been written today (particularly The Last Herald […]

August 6, 2017

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock-..

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock- Mini Review

4.5 Nuts On the very rare occasion when I find a contemporary I like it usually falls into one of a few categories. They’re either what some call “issue” books (your MI, illness, assault, school shooting etc stories), something with a mystery aspect, retellings, or boarding school stories. This book is definitely of the first […]

August 5, 2017

The Celery Stalks at Midnigh..

The Celery Stalks at Midnight by James Howe

  3.5 Nuts My least favorite of the Bunnicula Series, THE CELERY STALKS AT MIDNIGHT is probably one of the cleverer titles in the set. It’s not a bad book, not at all. It’s just not AS good as the rest of the series. The worst of great is still pretty good. This book introduces […]

August 4, 2017

We’ll Never Be Apart b..

We’ll Never Be Apart by Emikio Jean

3 Nuts I’ve done my best to add a few more contemporaries to my TBRs over the last two years. Even though I don’t really like them as much as my fantasies I feel like I need to try and read a few a year. So that’s how I picked this one up, on a […]

August 2, 2017



We are so pleased to be featured on the ROYAL CRUSH Blog Tour!  We thought this book was super cute and perfect for any middle-grade reader or lover of THE PRINCESS DIARIES! Check out the giveaway for a copy down below! Title: ROYAL CRUSH Author: Meg Cabot Pub. Date: August 1, 2017 Publisher: Feiwel & Friends Pages: 192 Formats: Hardcover, eBook, […]

August 1, 2017
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