Laura’s Summer TBR

May 17, 2018     laurathebibliophile     Uncategorized

I know that right now the world is muddy and gross and it is always either too hot or too cold for comfort. Everyone’s allergies are acting up and all I want to do is curl up with a book and read.
Ah, spring.
Soon, though, it will warm up. The sun will come out in full burning-your-skin-with-only-five-minutes-of-its-presence force. Bees will buzz and then sting you because you’re a threat, apparently, and all I will want to do is curl up with a book and read.
Ah, summer.
Sorry, I’m a fall/winter person.
Anyway, my TBR pile is seriously out of control, so I have decided to relegate some of it to summer!
Hopefully I will actually make it through the whole stack, and you will be seeing some reviews here.

Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves
Erin gifted me this one because I’m Hungarian and I love historical fantasy and rebellions. It sounds amazing, and I can’t wait! (Well, I can’t wait longer than summer.)

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
After the success of the “Murder on the Orient Express” film, I can only assume they would reach next for Death on the Nile, it being the natural successor. Poirot is an interesting character to read, and I do love my mysteries. Also, honestly, I want to read this before they make a movie about it so I can make proper judgments when I watch. (Because of COURSE I’m going to see an Agatha Christie adaptation. Who wouldn’t?)

Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston
I got this book in an Owlcrate last month, and I haven’t gotten around to reading it yet, but it has a quest, space, and mystery, and I am all about that.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
One of my best friends and I have decided to have a two-person book club, and this is our first selection. We both own it and have already read it, but it’s been a minute so this will be a refresher.

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
I picked this one up a while ago. Libba Bray is one of my favorite authors, and the premise sounds amazing. I just haven’t been able to bring it to the top of my TBR yet.

I think five is a reasonable number, considering that I will probably read other books in between. I am seriously incapable of reading one book at a time. Wish me luck!

From my bookshelf to yours,

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