Category: Timely Topic

News: Hank Green to Publish ..

News: Hank Green to Publish First Novel

Fans of the Vlogbrothers youtube channel know John Green as the writer of the brotherly pair but it turns out he’s not the only one with the writing gene. The younger of the duo has finally caught up and joined John as an author and will be publishing a novel in 2018 with an adult […]

September 19, 2017

News/Discussion: Kenyon-Clar..

News/Discussion: Kenyon-Clare Lawsuit

I’m sure by now you’ve heard Sherilyn Kenyon (author of the Dark Hunter Series) is suing Shadowhunter series author Cassandra Clare for copyright and trademark infringement. First, here is the complaint from Kenyon, provided by Courtney Milan on her Twitter: I hope you can read legal-ese Basically, as I understand it, SK is claiming Clare violated […]

February 10, 2016