Author: Christopher Paolini

Review: Inheritance by Chris..

Review: Inheritance by Christopher Paolini

So here we are, the final book. All three previous books are leading up to an culminating in this big, green monstrosity. And yes, it is huge. Sometimes I wonder if this book really needs to be as massive as it is. One of the biggest criticisms of this book that I had heard in […]

January 15, 2016

Review: Brisinger by Christo..

Review: Brisinger by Christopher Paolini

The third book in the Inheritance Cycle, this is probably tied for second with the last book in the series. Yeah, Eldest kinda left too much to be desired to beat these last two books. Brisinger has a LOT going on in its pages. No seriously, there is so much going on with Eragon here […]

January 10, 2016

Review: Eldest by Christophe..

Review: Eldest by Christopher Paolini

Where does one begin? Like this book, right where we left off. Book two, Eldest, starts with the clean up after the Battle of Farthen Dur. If you haven’t read book one, I would stop right now and not finish this review. This is one of those series that is very difficult to talk about […]

January 1, 2016

YA Review: Eragon by Christo..

YA Review: Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Because Eragon came out in 2003 when I was still pretty young, this book still falls into the “throwbacks” category. However, since the last book in the series came out in 2011 I can’t put the entire series into a Thumbing Through Throwbacks post. Because of that, and since I just did a complete series […]

January 1, 2016