Author: Gail Carriger

Meat Cute (Parasol Protector..

Meat Cute (Parasol Protectorate #0) by Gail Carriger

  Freaking Gail does it again. We asked and she delivered, the Hedgehog Incident is finally here at last. If you love the Parasol Protectorate then you’ll want this little ebook short in your collection. Welcome to MEAT CUTE. If you’ve read SOULLESS, you’ll know there was an incident involving a hedgehog prior to the […]

June 26, 2021

Defy or Defend by Gail Carri..

Defy or Defend by Gail Carriger

DEFY OF DEFEND (Delightfully Deadly #2) The Universe I have a few books or series that I go back to when I can’t figure out what else to read. They’re a sort of happy place, a familiar world that calms me. At the very top of this list sits Gail Carriger and pretty much everything […]

June 23, 2021

Reticence by Gail Carriger

Reticence by Gail Carriger

5 nuts I have waited all year for this book. The release date has sat on my calendar staring at me like a cat whose bored interest makes me a little disconcerted. And now that it’s here and read I am both ecstatic and sad. Each Parasolverse book, be it novel or novella; YA, New […]

August 25, 2019

Marine Biology by G.L. Carri..

Marine Biology by G.L. Carriger

4 Nuts Well now this is unexpected. I’m still not really clear if these SAN ANDREAS SHIFTER books are in the same canon as Parasolverse or not but I find myself hoping that it is. Even if it’s not, this little prequel is telling me that I’m probably going to love it anyway. MARINE BIOLOGY […]

October 16, 2018

Competence by Gail Carriger

Competence by Gail Carriger

4 Nuts WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT!? Yes my friends, this is the end of the Parasolverse binge. Not because the author has ended the stories in the universe, oh no. There are more to come. BUT NONE OF THEM ARE OUT YET! COMPETENCE is book 3 of 4 in the Custard […]

October 15, 2018
1 Comment

How to Marry a Werewolf by G..

How to Marry a Werewolf by Gail Carriger

4 Nuts Well who would have thought I’d like Major Channing? Not me. I’ve always thought him one of Miss Carriger’s least likable supernatural characters. Major Channing is a major ass. However I suppose even the unlikable beast can be tamed by the right person. For Channing, I suppose that’s an American with a “scandalous” […]

October 12, 2018
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Romancing the Werewolf by Ga..

Romancing the Werewolf by Gail Carriger

5 Nuts I would give this book 6 nuts is such a thing existed. That’s not a joke or exaggeration, I loved this book that much. While it’s the second of the Supernatural Society novellas, it is without doubt first in my heart and probably my favorite piece of Parasolverse writing. ROMANCING THE WEREWOLF has […]

October 4, 2018
1 Comment

Imprudence by Gail Carriger

Imprudence by Gail Carriger

5 Nuts   Now this is what I expected of a Gail Carriger spin off series! This is the kind of book I really wanted from PRUDENCE. There’s plenty of interaction between Rue and Alexia but it is less harsh and unkind that it seemed in PRUDENCE. I had a lot of issues with the […]

October 3, 2018

Prudence by Gail Carriger

Prudence by Gail Carriger

4 Nuts Well now, this was different.  After two series and two novellas with Miss Carriger I thought I knew what to expect from her. Until Custard Protocol, that is. It’s a strange feeling after being so in love with a series to have to go back and reacquaint yourself with the same world from […]

October 2, 2018

Romancing the Inventor by Ga..

Romancing the Inventor by Gail Carriger

4 Nuts This second self published novella in the Parasolverse is the first of the LGBT offerings from Miss Carriger. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a story I didn’t know I wanted. Adult Genevieve Lefoux has never appealed to me the way her childhood self did. For the first time though, I felt myself finally […]

October 1, 2018