Author: Gary A. Lippincott

The Skull of Truth by Bruce ..

The Skull of Truth by Bruce Coville

5 Nuts You know that one kid that couldn’t tell the truth if their life depended on it? Meet Charlie, the main character of THE SKULL OF TRUTH, my favorite book in Bruce Coville’s Magic Shop series. I was the weird kid in grade school that loved Shakespeare long before most of my peers had […]

October 26, 2018

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatc..

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville

5 Nuts This was my very first introduction to the Magic Shop series, and indeed Bruce Coville’s books as a whole. I remember sitting in my elementary school listening to my teacher read to me about a boy and his dragon. As I got older and read more dragon books, this was always the one […]

October 22, 2018