Publisher: Swoon Reads

Book Review: Internet Famous..

Book Review: Internet Famous by Danika Stone

I am so happy that I finally read INTERNET FAMOUS. This book features a girl that is very active on social media (blogging, tumblr, and twitter). Madi is so relatable to teenagers now because she has social media and uses it and actually has a fanbase that came from her blog. I found it so […]

June 4, 2017

Review: Buddy Reading Regenc..

Review: Buddy Reading Regency Romance (Love, Lies, and Spies)

4 Stars I don’t usually buddy read. I’m usually a very fast reader but trying to match my pace to someone else is usually really hard to do and either don’t finish the book or I finish way ahead. I really like to buddy read I’m just not very good at it. The only person […]

February 4, 2017

Review: These Vicious Masks

Review: These Vicious Masks

4 Nuts   Ok, color me impressed. I haven’t had good luck with Swoon Reads titles. I’ve found the ones I’ve gotten my hands on kind of dull and lackluster. But finally I’ve found one I liked. A lot. General It’s been a while since I read a really solid historical fantasy so when I […]

February 23, 2016