Source: Author

Sabrina : Season of the Witc..

Sabrina : Season of the Witch by Sarah Rees Brennan + Giveaway!

We are so excited to be on the blog tour for Sabrina : Season of the Witch by Sarah Rees Brennan! Special thanks to the Fantastic Flying Book Club + I Read YA for having us! Check out our playlist inspired by the book below, and make sure to enter to win one of 5 […]

July 27, 2019
1 Comment

Review: Counteract by Tracy ..

Review: Counteract by Tracy Lawson

Hey, all! Last weekend, Erin and I went to the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus, which was incredible. While there, we got to meet many fantastic Ohio authors, one of whom was Tracy Lawson. I missed her table at first, but then I caught sight of it and was drawn in. The books she had […]

April 19, 2018

YA Review: A Study in Charlo..

YA Review: A Study in Charlotte by Bethany Cavallaro

5 Nuts   Yes that is a 5 nut rating. No I’m not exaggerating. I’m a bit obsessed with anything Sherlock related and this book is not an exception. Now, A Study in Charlotte is NOT a retelling. I cannot stress that enough. It’s not a genderbend, these characters are the descendants of Watson and Holmes, […]

March 7, 2016

NA ARC Review: Paige in Prog..

NA ARC Review: Paige in Progress by Brighton Walsh

My Review I was lucky enough to get an ARC from Brighton of Paige in Progress for review – thank you!! I love her books. They always seem to have a perfect mix of great plot, relatable characters and swoon worthy romance and Paige in Progress is no different. I was hooked from the first sentence […]

January 12, 2016