ARC August is hosted by Octavia at Read. Sleep. Repeat. Simply, its purpose is to encourage readers to put a dent in those ARC piles.
Personally? I have a hard time getting through my Netgalley approvals. I finally got my rating up into the 70’s but I’d really like to clear out the rest of these unread e-galleys. I also have a small pile of physical ARCs to get through. Keeping in mind that I want to read at least a few books for Austen in August, my goal for this month is going to be 10 ARCs. Here are some that I can choose from.
Stitching Snow
Girl from the Well
The Girl with All the Gifts
One Man Guy
A Girl Called Fearless
Mind Blind
Half a King
A Song for Ella Grey
Dangerous Creatures
The Treatment
The Testing
Independent Study
The 100
I Hunt Killers
So which books would you like to see me read? Vote in the comments, I’d love to see what interests you.
Keep Reading,

You're only the second person I see who is reading the 100. I hope it's as good as it seems 🙂 Good luck with your goals, you got this!
Oh I hope so too! Thank you for stopping by!