It’s always disappointing when you can’t finish a book. Whether it’s because the book isn’t for you or because of a fatal flaw, it may be difficult to decide what to do next. DNF books can steal your mojo, make it hard to start something else. Then there’s the fact that, in the case of review books, you may feel obligated to post something.
But what, and how?
Some people don’t like to post DNF reviews. Maybe they feel uncomfortable sharing why they think a book was no longer worth their time, maybe they don’t want to give the book ANY exposure. But I think DNF reviews are a good thing. For one, writing the review can help you out of the reading slump that the DNF book has left you in, talking about the problems and flaws in the book can be a good thing.
There’s also the fact that a DNF review can make someone interested in reading the book for themselves and come up with their own conclusions. I’ve read bad and DNF reviews that have made me want to pick the book up rather than give it a pass. You never know what may appeal to different people.
As for the how, there’s really no right or wrong way to review. But I will tell you what I like to do. I try to find at least one good thing that I liked about the book before I get into all the things I disliked. It is rare for me to find a book that I can’t say at least one positive thing about. I think most books have good things about them that should be shared along with the bad. Then I talk about the bad things, and usually why they keep me from wanting to finish the book.
I think DNF reviews are a good thing but what about you? Do you write DNF reviews? What is your reasoning? Share in the comments.
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I don't post DNF reviews, mostly out of guilt for not having finished the book. (I don't even shelve them as DNF on my GR account. However, I've been thinking about changing that.) But I can see your point on how they might be helpful. I'll definitely take it into consideration for the future.
Not every book is for every person. It happens. Do you ever get into a reading slump after a DNF?
I try not to DNF a book but sometimes it's hard. I'd put the book down and go back to it another time. It kind of works cause I do manage to finish the book but I don't think I like it any better haha. When I see DNF reviews, I definitely get curious so I think they're good 😀
Eileen @ BookCatPin
I don't have time to continue on with books that I know I won't like. My TBR pile is too big. I wish I could finish everything I read.
I'm a big fan of reading DNF reviews since if a book was that unenjoyable for a friend, I want to know to save myself the heartache! I have yet to actually write one for the blog because I don't want to think about a book that makes me that unhappy anymore usually, haha. I should do a round-up of DNF mini-reviews or something though probably….
I know some people do monthly DNF mini reviews where they do little reviews for each book they didn't finish that month. I can't imagine DNFing that much, I've only done it a few times But mini DNF reviews sounds like a good idea.
I only review 4 and 5 star ratings on my blog, but I mini-review every book I read on Goodreads, even if it is a dnf. I make sure I give reasons for not liking it. If there is something apparent that I can say "nice" about a book, I will; like City of Bones, I said if you like stories with a "superheros vibe" maybe you'll like this book. If the book is just an outright piece of shigah like 18 Things, that apparently was neither copy edited nor reseached, I tell readers to turn and run in the opposite direction. Lol. I don't get too many dnfs because I don't read out of my favorite genres.
I don't really read outside of my genres that often either. Usually if I'm sent something I feel obligated to at least try it.
I think DNF reviews are okay but I also don't feel like a blogger should feel obligated to write a DNF review. Plus, if you only read 10% of the book, it's kind of silly to write a review for it. I write DNF reviews if I make it past the 40% mark cause that's a pretty good chunk.
I do however think that DNF reviews should not have a rating, that's pretty unfair in my opinion.
Great post!
I do a mini DNF review if I only get say 10% in. To me DNF is the rating, therefore my DNF reviews don't get stars. So I agree there.