Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted here at The Book Nut in which I share short stories from both myself and others. Some may be just writing practice: setting and character sketches, mini stories, whatever. Others may be full fledged short stories. If you write and would like a short story featured on the blog feel free to grab my contact info from the contact page and send me and email.
Today’s story was a setting sketch I wrote for a class but I thought it turned out pretty cool.
Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire
The windows glittered with flames on every floor of the building. As the heat became too much for them, they would explode outwards, sending shards of glass every which way. Below on the pavement, the joyful whoops of the vandals could be heard. Sirens wailed in the distance but by the time they got there, the responsible parties would be gone. The flames roared as they consumed everything in their path.
People in the neighboring buildings leaned out the windows of their offices while their bosses tried to evacuate them. They could feel the heat of the fire against their faces as it burned bright and hot. The sky above was dark and thick with smoke, the only light came from the flickering flames below and the dim streetlights. The windows of the surrounding buildings began to go dark one by one as the people left. The traffic slows below the carnage of the burning building as the streets clog with more and more cars trying to pass below.
Everything is now at a standstill and people fill the streets and sidewalks to gaze at the burning building. The vandals have now hidden themselves among the bystanders as police cars force their way through the crowded streets. Nothing they do will stop the building from falling as the struts collapse.
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Loved it!
Thank you!
Oooh, that was awesome!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.