Month: March 2015

TTT: Ten Books You Recently ..

TTT: Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and The Bookish in which we answer topics posed by the hosts. This week: Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List What have you added to your TBR? Share/link in the comments. Keep Reading!

March 31, 2015

Discussion: Hype

Discussion: Hype

Bloggers are very familiar with  hype. We use it to determine what we read, we create it ourselves when we post our reviews and talk up books. But does it effect our enjoyment of a book? I know when I see a book with lots of hype one of two things happens. Either it makes […]

March 30, 2015

Stacking the Shelves #36

Stacking the Shelves #36

Stacking the shelves is a weekly book haul meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. Last week I was away at my fiancee’s and my packages really piled up. Today’s STS is two weeks worth of books! How it Went Down (Audiobook, for review) The Furies of Calderon (Better World Books) Skinned (Better World Books) The Chronicles […]

March 28, 2015

Thumbing Through Throwbacks:..

Thumbing Through Throwbacks: A Series of Unfortunate Events

When I was in elementary and middle school there were a few series that EVERYONE was reading. Well, anyone that read anyway. You had Harry Potter, Goosebumps, Artemis Fowl, and Series of Unfortunate Events. Those were the big four, if you threw a rock into the hall it would probably hit someone who had read […]

March 26, 2015

Discussion: Buying Bans

Discussion: Buying Bans

I think it’s a very common statement in our community that we sometimes have trouble with impulse control. We see a book we want and we find it very hard not to buy it. When it comes to buying retail, I usually don’t have a problem with controlling my buying habits. When it comes to […]

March 25, 2015

TTT: Books From My Childhood..

TTT: Books From My Childhood That I Would Love To Revisit

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we answer a topic posed by the hosts. This week: Top 10 Books From My Childhood (Or teen years) That I Would Love To Revisit. Right now I’ve only got 8 but they’re really good ones, and mostly series. What are […]

March 24, 2015

The Winner’s Curse by ..

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski

The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski Release Date: March 4, 2014 Publisher: FSG 355 Pages Received: As a gift Format: Hardcover Rating:  Description: Winning what you want may cost you everything you love. As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she […]

March 23, 2015

Winner’s Crime by Mari..

Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski

The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski Release Date: March 3, 2015 Publisher: FSG  416 Pages Received: Traded Format: ARC Rating:  3.5 Nuts                   Description: Book two of the dazzling Winner’s Trilogy is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love. The engagement […]

March 20, 2015

Thumbing Through Throwbacks:..

Thumbing Through Throwbacks: The Shadow Children Series

Years before dystopians became the “next big thing” there were several authors already covering corrupt governments and unrest in YA and Middle grade. Everyone remembers books such as The Giver and its companions because they read them in school (sometimes more than once). But the series I remember was this one, The Shadow Children Series […]

March 19, 2015

Announcement: Ohio Author Ap..

Announcement: Ohio Author Appreciation (in April)

Perhaps many of you know that I’ve been scheming. Or at least plotting. But now I can officially announce what I have been working on! My birthday is in April (the 20th) so I wanted to do something really cool for the entire month. After having met a ton of awesome authors in and around […]

March 18, 2015