I had a hard time picking which MPH book I was going to cover today. There were so many books I could pick that played a big part of my childhood. When we didn’t have a lot of money I would reread the same books over and over and the one I picked most often when I wanted a standalone was Running Out of Time.
Have you ever seen the movie The Village? Take out the parts that are supposed to be creepy and you’ve got the basic story of Running Out of Time. This book does it better than any movie ever could, there’s suspense, character, and history all mashed up into 184 pages. I’d say that’s pretty impressive.
I think what drew me to this book again and again was how I could pick up on new things every time I read it. Especially when they talked about the historical parts, as I got older I could pick out things that I had been learning about in school and made a connection to the book.
The great thing about Margaret Peterson Haddix’s books is how she is able to keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire ride. She makes you care about her characters in a way that seems to be so effortless and you can’t help but want them to succeed. I’ve read plenty of books in the past where I couldn’t bring myself to care that much about an MC, which is always sad. What’s the point of reading if you can’t feel for the character?
If I ever have kids, I hope they love MPH’s books as much as I did. I keep copies of all of my favorites, both to go back and read and to maybe pass on to my kids (or my sister-in-law’s). Then maybe another generation will love her books as much as I did.
What was your favorite Margaret Peterson Haddix book? Share in the comments and check out her new book, Palace of Lies! You can enter to win copies of her books on the OAAA giveaway post!
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