Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie. Still hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, today’s top ten tuesday topic was chosen by me! Today I just want to talk about the top ten most awesome moments of this year’s Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival!
1. Meeting James Howe and getting my whole Bunnicula series signed. I grew up on these books and they were a huge part of my life. The characters were big readers and they made me realize that it was ok to love reading. Thanks, James!
2. Running across the grass and parking lot to meet Jennifer Niven. The event was so crazy that somehow we missed Jennifer! So when I saw her chatting in the parking lot I took a chance and ran for it. She was so gracious and happily signed my book. She also gave me some pretty cool sticky notes and a button for my bag. Thanks for being so cool, Jennifer!
3. Being recognized as the “Ohio” group. In one of the panels it was pointed out that our blogger group came the farthest, driving 4 and 1/2 hours from Ohio to New York. Several of the authors thought that was pretty cool and the people who were in that panel recognized us as “the Ohio group”.
4. Getting a book plate for Sarah J. Maas. Sarah couldn’t come because of injury and we were all pretty sad. However, when we mentioned it to to the Barnes and Noble folks, they gave us some signed book plates (without having bought one of her books, we already had them all).
5. April Henry’s talent. April’s talent was getting out of some locked handcuffs. I had tweeted her earlier and she said she was going to hide a key in her bra. Apparently Terry Trueman offered his help in this area and was shot down. She didn’t need the key. 🙂
6. Julie Kagawa’s talent. Julie disarmed a knife wielding assailant very effectively. Mental note, never attack Julie.
7. The raffle. TBF has the awesome raffle where you can win ARCs. I got 8, all of the ones I wanted but one (I still need Off the Page).
8. Sharing my blog with some teens. They were really cool and happy to chat. Nice meeting you guys!
9. Chatting with Emmy Laybourne. You guys, she’s an awesome lady and you should definitely out her new upcoming release, Sweet! She also have me tons of swag for you lovely readers.
10. The hot tub. Ok this was technically after TBF but we were exhausted by the end. We had gotten there early and left really late so if was time to enjoy a nice soak in the tub.
I will do a full recap on the event later in the week! Link me to your own TTT in the comments!
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Sounds like you had a good time!!
Here's the link to my Top Ten Tuesday post for this week:
You're from Ohio? I didn't realize – so am I. 😀
Check out my TTT.
Sounds like you had a great time!!!!