Top Ten Tuesday: Stories I Would Like to See In YA

September 15, 2015     erinbook     Uncategorized

It’s Tuesday, pig and a poke! No, actually it’s top ten tuesday, the weekly meme where we answer a topic posed by hosts The Broke and the Bookish.

This week is a freebie so my topic is Top Ten Stories I Would Like to See. These are the kind of plots that I would devour the moment I’d hear of them.

1. A historical set in the Korean War. As a huge fan of the TV show MASH, I’ve always been a little curious about the Korean war, especially since it’s hardly talked about. There’s so much potential for a good story there and it’s a setting not many would think of.

2. A really good YA Pride and Prejudice retelling. I’ve read and attempt or two and most were pretty bad.

3. A high fantasy with out any sort of love interest. Just for once can’t we just focus on awesome world building without a romance involved?

4. A contemporary about some one who watches their best friend fall in love. The whole love story would be from the friend’s point of view. That’d be cool.

5. Musical retellings! Ok, there’s actually a bunch of these but only about half are any good and some of them are almost unrecognizable.

6. A story from the mind of a female serial killer. Dark, twisted, my kind of book.

7. Something along the lines of Assassin’s Creed. More historical assassins please!

8. Secret agents, complete with lots of fun gadgets. I don’t know why.

9. Dragon cats. Ok, this one is just a dream I had but it would be freaking hilarious.

10. MORE EPIC SERIES! By this I mean longer than 3 or 4 books. Give me Throne of Glass length series that I can collect and wait for like I did with Harry Potter and Series of Unfortunate Events!

What stories do you want to see in YA? Share in the comments!

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6 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Stories I Would Like to See In YA

  1. Yes to ALL of these especially the Korean War (I love MASH too!) and the contemporary romance from the friend's POV. That is a fantastic idea! – Possibly to make it even more exciting it could be a P&P retelling. lol

  2. Ooh I want 4! That sounds amazing but also kind of difficult to get right. And yes to 10. Trilogies are great but they're all so similarly structured and always end too soon. Great list. 🙂

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