Discussion: Preorders

February 1, 2016     erinthebooknut     Discussion, Feature



I never used to preorder anything. For the longest time if I bought something online it was either used or heavily discounted. And then I moved and my income was all my own. So I started preordering the books I REALLY wanted. What changed? Well, I few things.

  1. ) I had my own money and I could do what I wanted with it. Living with my mom, I felt weird preordering when I was with mom. We could just go to the bookstore and pick it up on release day.
  2. ) We don’t have a bookstore here. Other than the used bookstore, we have no places to get books. The used place doesn’t get new releases so ordering them is the best way.
  3. ) Our library here sucks. The YA section is bitty and they never get new releases right away. And I’m totally impatient.

So I took to Amazon.

Now I think I preorder differently than everyone else. My fiancee and I don’t have Prime so when I preorder I’ll do it 3 or 4 books at a time to meet the free shipping requirement. That makes deciding on a month’s preorders kind of a pain.

When I’m about to preorder I usually look at books that are releasing in the same month or at least close together (ie end of Jan/beginning of Feb). I’ll pick out my top 5 picks, the ones I want the most, and put however many it takes to reach $35 into my cart. Then I usually have a day of indecision before I finally hit the order button.

Sometimes I’ll be a few bucks short so I’ll grab a $2-$8 movie. My Scooby collection really came together this way. Also a bunch of my favorite 80’s movies. If I need a little extra I have a whole cheap movie wishlist to look through and I’ll probably never get them all.

So that’s how and why I preorder. What about you? Do you preorder? From where and why? Share in the comments!

From my shelf to yours,


4 responses to “Discussion: Preorders

  1. I don’t preorder because I’m a cheapskate willing to wait until I can find cheap used copies. I have too many other unread books to catch up on in the meantime.

    • erinthebooknut

      I feel you there. I used to be like that too. There are some though that I’m just REALLY desperate for.

  2. I don’t pre-order. I’v sonly ever pre-ordered one book because i was absolutly desperate for it! I have a massive tBR and I’d rather get through those first. Plus I feel guilty having review books buying my own for pleasure. xx

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