Published by Marvel on March 19th 2013
Pages: 416
The epic story that blows the Marvel Universe apart! Iron Man and Captain America: two core members of the Avengers, the world's greatest super hero team. When a tragic battle blows a hole in the city of Stamford, killing hundreds of people, the U.S. government demands that all super heroes unmask and register their powers. To Tony Stark - Iron Man - it's a regrettable but necessary step. To Captain America, it's an unbearable assault on civil liberties. So begins the Civil War. Based on the smash hit graphic novel - over half a million copies have sold in print and digital formats!
So maybe comics aren’t really your thing. Maybe you’d rather read a book any day of the week. But guess what? Stuart Moore has faithfully adapted not only the main Civil War event but also that of Captain America, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man and Spider-Man and entwined them into the Civil War Prose Novel.
This faithful adaptation of the comics is a quick read, I zoomed through the thing in two or three sittings. It swaps perspectives between the featured heroes, making showing each side’s reasoning so perfectly that you can hardly decide who is right and who is wrong. But that’s what’s so beautiful about this event.
No one is right.
But no one is wrong either.
This book might actually be slightly better than the comics, if only because it entwines the different side stories that Marvel splits up between the heroes’ own collections.
I think my favorite POV is Iron Man’s. Tony is trying so hard to do what is right, though his actions may go too far his motives are pure. It’s the most difficult position he can possibly be in. I can’t help but love it.
If you’re not into comics this is a great alternative to check out the story of Civil War. The real story, not the MCU version. Or maybe you’re like me and need to have both for your collection.
Give it a go!
From my shelf to yours,
I hadn’t heard of this book but I will def try to read it soon. I’m not really a fan of comics but this book really sounds good!!!