What do two newly married nerds do with very little money and a desire for a small honeymoon? Go to the biggest bookstore they can find within a 2 hour drive!
My fabulous husband planned this trip to the Book Loft, a 30 room bookstore full of twist and turns and all sorts of fun. Each room houses a different genre of books all throughout the store. The place is wall to wall bookshelves and even the cupboards under the stairs and the porch are filled with books.
I have never been a such a labyrinthine space in my life. It is absolutely possible to get lost in this place. Thankfully they provide store maps! It’s also incredibly easy to miss things if you aren’t deliberate about how you are exploring the place.
This store is situated in Columbus’ German village so there’s plenty around it to do if you can’t imagine spending an entire day in a massive bookstore. (Ha, what? We totally can). You’ve got a nice coffee shop next store, a sweet shop around the corner, and one or two pretty famous restaurants in which to eat.
The YA section is MASSIVE. It takes up a whole wall and a half then curls around s corner and takes up another big section of space. From there it’s all middle grade and children’s as far as the eye can see.
My other favorite room was the Fantasy. Literally an entire room floor to ceiling and an island of shelves in the middle was dedicated to fantasy. Of all the rooms I wish I had spent more time in here. There was plenty I wish I could have seen more of.
So book lovelies, if you ever find yourself near Columbus, Ohio I highly recommend checking this place out. It’s probably one of the most interesting and cool places I’ve ever been lucky enough to go. Go have a look!
From my shelf to yours,
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