Let’s go a little out of my home zone here today. Welcome to Niantic, CT home of 4, that’s right 4, used bookstores under the umbrella title The Book Barn.
All 4 locations sit on the same stretch of road a little ways apart. The biggest and first location (The Main Barn + outbuildings), Midtown, Downtown, and Store 4 and 3/4 all host different parts of the stores’ collections. Depending on what you’re looking for that will determine which store or stores you’ll want to look at. We were looking at YA and Adult Sci fi/Fantasy so the Main Barn and Downtown were our main stops (as well as Midtown just because).
Most of the Book Barn locations (other than Midtown) have a friendly on-leash animal policy and the Main Barn collects a variety of furry friends including a couple of cats and a goat! The cats are friendly and willing to allow a short pet or endure a toddler’s prodding but probably won’t stick around long while its busy. I’ve found them curled up in soft chairs, out in the garden, and even on top of a warm car or two.
The collections are MASSIVE. I have never been to a used bookstore in which I wanted SO many books at one time. And I didn’t hold back. Mass Market Paperbacks are $1 while pretty much everything else was $4. The pricing is absolutely to die for and the atmosphere is fantastic.
Admittedly for winter in CT the outside bits of the Main Barn was quite cold, so keep that in mind when deciding on where/when you’re going to go. There are plenty of tasty local places to eat once you’re done and they provide a little liquid fuel as well at the locations. Really, they’ve thought of everything.
One last note: you will find ARCs here.
So if you’re in the CT area and haven’t heard of it yet or are planning on traveling in the area I HIGHLY recommend this small chain of stores. Books and cats and books and cats and books and cats and books and cats never fail to make me smile.
From my shelf to yours,
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