Before I had a decent tablet I did most of my ebook reading on my phone. Two apps made up the bulk of my books, Barnes and Noble’s Nook and Amazon’s Kindle. Of the two I always preferred Nook.
The Nook app is the better crafted of the two. Rather than the irritating carousel of the Kindle app, the Nook app is simple, just showing the book covers on the shelf. I prefer this setup as it is easier to look at everything in the library as a whole.
As reading goes on the Nook app, there is very little difference from the Kindle one. Its allows you to see the percentage of book you have read. Unlike the Kindle app, however, it does not tell you how many hours left of reading you have. I don’t really think that’s a necessary feature so I do not miss it.
I do wish that there was better access to the shop paired with this app. You cannot really buy books using the Nook app, only read them. I also did not care for the way the messaging system is set up. Getting the messages and the notifications to go away is a pain in my butt.
Overall I’d say I prefer the Nook app to the Kindle one, despite its problems. I buy more Nook books than I do Kindle ones and I like the selection of deals. As far as the shop goes, I like that it gives me a selection of Teen and YA books under a certain amount of money with my having to search them out.
I’d say I’d give this app a 4.5 nuts out of five.
I recommend this app for ebook readers on both phones and tablets. It’s better than both Kindle and iBooks.
Which is your favorite ebook reader app? Share your pick in the comments.
From my shelf to yours,
I have a Nook. I actually have had four. This one is made by Samsung and it is a tablet with the Nook app and other Nook features installed. I love it and all the previous ones I have had. I find it simple to use and love having all my favorite books in one convenient, easy-to-use place that can go with me anywhere. I have tried the Kindle app but just could not get comfortable with using it.
Thank you for posting this!! I’ve always used a Nook and currently my Nook HD has been acting up . I’ve had it for a couple years and now the battery isn’t holding charged. So I’m debating on getting an iPad but was curious about the Nook app. I do use the Kindle app which is ok and it is good for reading ARCs. But I have most of my ebooks from B & N so it’s good to hear you are happy with their app.