What do you do when you have hundreds of books and only one bookcase?
No, seriously, this isn’t a joke. I’m asking. I recently moved into a new apartment. It is beautiful and roomy and I love it and I don’t know where the hell to put my books.
I bought myself one bookcase, and I like it very much. It has eight cubes deep enough for two rows of books, it is sturdy, and it is gray, which is my second favorite color. Unfortunately, there is only one of it. I did the mapping, and I can fit two more of this particular bookcase in my room, but that would require buying two more $60-some bookcases, waiting for them to come in the mail (the grey isn’t sold in stores, and I’m too committed to my aesthetic to turn back now), and putting them together, which is a feat on its own with my bad wrists.
So for now, I need to find a temporary solution that does not involve leaving my books in Rubbermaid containers until the end of Time. I considered just buying the shelves and saying “yolo” or “carpe scrinia” or something to that effect, but my budget metaphorically slapped my hands and told me to get it together.
I am doing my best to avoid buying flimsy bookcases, because I’ve had them before and watched the shelves gradually bow under the weight of the books as I am now bowing under the weight of poor planning. Any suggestions are welcome. I’m struggling out here.
From my inadequate shelf space to yours, Laura
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