We are so pleased to be part of the INK, IRON, AND GLASS Blog Tour! Special thanks to Fierce Reads and Gwendolyn Clare for having us! Check out our playlist and let us know which of the songs is your favourite!
We are so pleased to be part of the INK, IRON, AND GLASS Blog Tour! Special thanks to Fierce Reads and Gwendolyn Clare for having us! Check out our playlist and let us know which of the songs is your favourite!
4.5 Nuts Damn. I forgot how good this book was. I’ve recently gone back to read many of the books I read pre-blog to see if my opinions have changed as I’ve gotten older. Some of the books, like INSURGENT have not held up at all. Others remain the same, like Harry Potter. Other’s still […]
We’re celebrating the release of REIGN THE EARTH by A.C Gaughen today! We’re so excited to be part of the blog tour, special thanks to A.C and Bloomsbury for having us! When we were approached to join this blog tour, the lovely ladies at Bloomsbury asked me to write about who I’d want to “REIGN […]
2 Nuts *sigh* Why does this epilogue even exist? I’m probably one of the few people who didn’t completely despise the ending of ALLEGIANT. Though I felt the POVs were difficult to distinguish and there were plenty of issues, I enjoyed the book regardless. This….tidbit….because I can’t even really call it a short story, is […]
I’ll be the first to admit it; I am usually not a fan of contemporary. But I picked up American Panda one afternoon and the next thing I knew, it was 10 pm the same day, and I had finished it. Because — it’s THAT GOOD. Right from the beginning, I was drawn to Mei […]
5 Nuts AN ENCHANTMENT OF RAVENS is totally better the second time around. Yes I have already reviewed this book, BUT I read it so fast that time that I didn’t give myself the chance to truly enjoy it. After reading CRUEL PRINCE I had a craving for more fair folk stories, and then this […]
4.5 Nuts Doo doo dododo doo GEEK! As you well know I don’t read much contemporary. Mostly the entire genre just bores me. But what little of the genre I do read usually falls into one or two categories. This book falls into the largest one of my preferences: geek lit. We’re talking full on […]
Assassins of Truth (Library Jumper’s #3) Brenda Drake Published by: Entangled Teen Publication date: February 6th 2018 Genres: Fantasy, Romance The gateways linking the great libraries of the world don’t require a library card, but they do harbor incredible dangers. And it’s not your normal bump-in-the- night kind. The threats Gia Kearns faces are […]
By the late 90’s I was quickly running out of early reader chapter books and was reading far above my level. Harry Potter had just come out and I was getting into fantasy and magic books of all sorts. Then Scholastic released Secrets of Droon, a 44 book series that ran for about 12 […]