Author: erinbook

Audible App Review

Audible App Review

  I’m a huge fan of audiobooks and have been since I was a young child.  I remember laying in front of our giant entertainment cabinet putting little cassette tapes into a bulky box so that a stranger could read to me. From there it became CDs, and now I can download them digitally through […]

September 27, 2017

Goodreads App Review

Goodreads App Review

When it comes to bookish apps to have I feel like most of us have or have at least tried the Goodreads mobile app. But how is it functionally? The answer? Ehhh not that great. The Goodreads app works. Most of the time. But working and being user friendly are not the same thing. The […]

September 20, 2017

iBooks Product Review

iBooks Product Review

This is probably the simplest of the ebook reading apps I’ve tried. It’s also probably my least favorite. iBooks is Apple’s response to Kindle and Nook’s apps. It’s fine, mostly generic, and doesn’t feature Kindle’s idiotic carousel. The biggest advantage I’d have to give it is the fact that iBooks gives you access to George […]

September 16, 2017

Harry Potter and the Deathly..

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling (Read by Jim Dale)

4 Nuts HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS is a big deal. Not so much because of its content but because of what is represented. Deathly Hallows was the culmination of years of work for JK Rowling and the majority of my childhood as a young reader. It was the end of the series that […]

September 14, 2017

Disney Book Tag

Disney Book Tag

This tag was created by the wonderful Kat from the Katytastic youtube channel. I’ve watched Kat for a while and I’ve had this tag on the back burner for a while but I figured now it was time to do it. I’ve been a big Disney fan for years and one of my first solid […]

September 13, 2017

Harry Potter and the Half-bl..

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince by JK Rowling (Read by Jim Dale)

Of the 7 books in the Harry Potter series (I still contend that Cursed Child isn’t a Harry Potter book), HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE is my favorite. Now, maybe it’s not the best narratively (that’s probably PRISONER OF AZKABAN) but it’s the best to me. And why is that? I can explain in […]

September 11, 2017

Tip and Tricks: Bookshelf Ma..

Tip and Tricks: Bookshelf Maintenance

If you’re anything like me you’re bookshelves are probably in a state of half collapse under a mountain of double stacked books. So what’s a bookworm to do? Here’s a few tips to keep those shelves for as long as possible before you finally go about replacing them. Help! My shelves are curving and bending! […]

September 9, 2017

Harry Potter and the Order o..

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling (Read by Jim Dale)

3.5 Nuts What? I’m only giving Order of the Phoenix a 3.5? HOOOOOW? I know, sacrilege right? But first let me point out that 3.5 isn’t that bad and I have plenty of reasons. When I first read this book as a kid, I think I was in middle school, it was like the pinnacle […]

September 8, 2017

Product Review: Nook App

Product Review: Nook App

Before I had a decent tablet I did most of my ebook reading on my phone. Two apps made up the bulk of my books, Barnes and Noble’s Nook and Amazon’s Kindle. Of the two I always preferred Nook. The Nook app is the better crafted of the two. Rather than the irritating carousel of […]

September 7, 2017

Discussion: Why I’m a ..

Discussion: Why I’m a Fantasy Fanatic

Since I was a little kid I loved to run away into fantastical worlds. Be it make believe or reading a fabulous novel of heroes and villains, my head spent more time out of this world than in it. And maybe that was a good thing. Sometimes growing up an only kid with a single […]

September 6, 2017