Author: laurathebibliophile

Midnight At the Electric by ..

Midnight At the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson

This book threw me off of a bridge in the dark, and I let it happen. The three timelines complement each other perfectly, and I love that it follows three young women in times of upheaval. It is not uncommon to find books with multiple povs, but this still came across as fresh and lovely. […]

March 18, 2018

Page to Screen: Marvel’s R..

Oh my glaciers of frozen polar ice, friends. I’ve been away from hulu for a while, so it caught me by surprise today that Runaways is already up! SPOILERS BELOW This review is only for the first episode. I may post more for the whole season if anyone is interested. It started off promising, but […]

December 27, 2017

Discussion: Religion in YA B..

Discussion: Religion in YA Books

I understand that this can be a bit of a sensitive topic for some people, but I think it’s a good topic for discussion. I am Catholic, and it’s an important part of my life. When I was a teenager, I participated in religion classes at my church, occasionally performed at Mass (Catholic church service), […]

December 17, 2017

Discussion: So Many Books, S..

What do you do when you have hundreds of books and only one bookcase? No, seriously, this isn’t a joke. I’m asking. I recently moved into a new apartment. It is beautiful and roomy and I love it and I don’t know where the hell to put my books. I bought myself one bookcase, and I […]

December 14, 2017

The Strange Library by Haruk..

The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami

This is a short book and a strange one. I picked it up because I had read Murakami’s other book (one of Murakami’s other books)  The Elephant Vanishes, and I loved Murakami’s ethereal style. That was a good basis for choosing this book, because the style definitely transfers. From the first moment you open the book […]

December 14, 2017

Rant: Check Books Before You..

Rant: Check Books Before You Sell Them

Hello, everyone. I would like to warn you now, if you didn’t read the title, that this post is going to be a rant. I am angry, and I am going to put my anger down here so I can hopefully let it go. Okay, then. I was recently reading a v lovely book (review […]

December 13, 2017

Audio Book Review: A Wrinkle..

Audio Book Review: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

Disclaimer: this post was written this summer, but I am just now getting around to posting it. Okay. Go ahead. This is kind of a new thing for me. I’ve tried to listen to audio books before, but I could never get into them. Recently, however, I’ve been having trouble with headaches, and I can’t […]

November 30, 2017

McKay Bookstore, Nashville T..

McKay Bookstore, Nashville TN and other locations — Places to Go

I am always looking for a new way to find books. I have more books than I know what to do with, but it is an addiction. So even when I go on vacation, I cannot resist looking for books! Recently, I went to Nashville for the Southern Festival of Books (Cinda Williams Chima handed […]

November 28, 2017

Review: The Elephant Vanishe..

Review: The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami

I’m giving this book 4.5 nuts only because there wasn’t more of it. This collection of short stories by Haruki Murakami was everything I wanted and more. I chose it at random, so I didn’t expect much. I was happily surprised when I loved it. The book occupies a sort of dreamland, half in reality […]

September 29, 2017

Reader Problems Book Tag: La..

Reader Problems Book Tag: Laura

Erin tagged me to do this ages ago when I was operating my own book blog. I’ve since realized that I am absolute trash at running my own book blog, and have defected to The Book Nut, but I’m pretty sure I never got around to this. I have a little spare time today, so […]

September 26, 2017