Category: Tips an Tricks

Repairing Your Paperback

Repairing Your Paperback

Repairing Your Paperback   We’ve talked about saving your books from water damage but how do you repair books that are damaged in other ways. Today I’m going to focus on paperbacks, since the methods for hardcover can be very different. I buy a lot of used books for ones that I’m not super concerned […]

September 26, 2014
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Save the Book!: Rescuing Dam..

Save the Book!: Rescuing Damp or Soaked Books

Rescuing Damp and Soaked Books   Have you ever been walking in the rain and someone bumped into you, knocking your bag from your hands and spilling your book into the mud? Or perhaps you like to read in the bathtub as I do and have been startled into dropping your book in the water? […]

September 12, 2014

Caring for Your Books

Caring for Your Books

Caring for Your Books     If you’re reading book blogs I’m going to assume that you love books as much as I do. So, if you’re anything like me then you want your books to last forever, or last least for many years to come. So I’ve got a few tips to keep your […]

September 11, 2014

On a Budget: Bargain Book Bu..

On a Budget: Bargain Book Buying- 100th Post!

  We’ve made it, this is my 100th blog post! I was sitting around wondering what I should do for my 100th, it’s a pretty cool milestone. I thought perhaps a giveaway would be fun but my first Blogoversary is coming up at the beginning of next month and I know I’ll do one then. […]

July 15, 2014