Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Avalon by Mindee Arnett Release Date: January 21, 2014  Publisher: Balzer + Bray 432 Pages Received: ARC Copy from Publisher Format: Paperback ARC Rating:  3 1/2 Stars Description: Of the various star systems that make up the Confederation, most lie thousands of light-years from First Earth-and out here, no one is free. The agencies that govern […]

January 25, 2014

I’m On Bloglovin’..

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Just a short little notice, I’m getting ready to start putting more content up on the blog including a giveaway! If you want to get ahead on the giveaway, follow my blog on bloglovin’. I’ll be giving away more than one book so there are multiple chances to win! Keep […]

January 18, 2014

Book Pet Peeves: The Cover C..

Book Pet Peeves: The Cover Change

I’ll warn you now, this is a topic that gets me all riled up. There is nothing I hate more than cover changes. I know this is one thing that many bloggers have talked about but it’s extremely obnoxious for those of us who have to have our shelves a certain way. Technically there are […]

January 18, 2014

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hod..

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge Release Date: January 28, 2014 Publisher: Balzer + Bray 352 Pages Received: ARC Copy from publisher. Format: Paperback ARC Rating:            Description: Based on the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, Cruel Beauty is a dazzling love story about our deepest desires and their power […]

January 18, 2014

Article 5 (Article 5 #1) by ..

Article 5 (Article 5 #1) by Kristen Simmons

Article 5 (Article 5 #1) By Kristen Simmons Release Date: January 31, 2012 Publisher: Tor Teen 362 Pages Received: Library copy Format: Hardcover  Rating:     Description: The Bill of Rights has been revoked, and replaced with the Moral Statutes. There are no more police—instead, there are soldiers. There are no more fines for bad […]

January 7, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars by Jo..

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Release Date: January 10, 2012 Publisher: Dutton Books 313 Pages Received: Signed copy in Limited Edition box set from Amazon (sadly no Hankler Fish or Yetis) Format: Hardcover  Rating:           Description: Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel […]

January 6, 2014

January ARC TBR Pile

January ARC TBR Pile

A Darkling Sea by James Cambias Alice Close Your Eyes by Averil Dean Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge Avalon by Mindee Arnett Hunted by Elizabeth Heiter Which of these are you most excited for? Leave a comment below. Happy Reading, The Book Nut

January 5, 2014

December pt. 2: In My Mailbo..

It’s my Christmas haul! I hope you guys enjoy it. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments! Happy reading! The Book Nut

January 4, 2014

Most Anticipated 2014 Releas..

Most Anticipated 2014 Releases

There are a lot of posts and a lot of videos detailing what everyone is excited to see in 2014. This post is no different however, I hope some of the books on this list are ones that aren’t as common. Many will be the same because, let’s be honest, a lot of great books […]

January 4, 2014

Have a Very Bookish Christma..

Have a Very Bookish Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Everyone! And Happy Holidays to those who celebrate something else. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy lots of food, friends, family, and of course books!  Keep Reading! The Book Nut

December 24, 2013