Looking for some recommendat..

Even though my life is pretty busy right now I always put aside a little bit of time for pleasure reading. I’m getting towards the end of Slayers #2 so it’s time to decide what I’ll be reading next. Right now I do not have any ARCs queued up, only a small pile of new […]

September 18, 2013

Another Book Haul: 9/15/13

Another Book Haul: 9/15/13

Every time I spend a weekend at home more books find their way into my hands and onto my shelves. I have no self control, none at all. On the bright side, one of the books in this list was a contest win from Bunny Cates’ blog.  This was the book I won from Bunny […]

September 15, 2013

Under Covers Book Club

My friend and fellow blogger Laura and I have started a book club! Yay! While waiting for our first book to show up (oh pre-order, why must you delay our other books?) we decided to start with a book tag video! It was a lot of fun, if a bit long. Check us out!

September 14, 2013

Summer’s End Review

Summer’s End Review

Summer’s End by Lisa Morton Expected Release Date: October 4, 2013 Publisher: JournalStone 98 Pages Received: ARC from LibraryThing Early Reviewer giveaways. Rating: Format: Paperback ARC Description: Lisa Morton is called in to consult on the recent discovery of a fifteen-hundred-year-old Celtic manuscript, she’s at first excited about the light this monumental find might shed on […]

September 12, 2013

Booktube Vlog Intro

A pretty silly intro for my new vlog. Still, everyone begins somewhere. Keep your eyes out for book club videos from myself and best friend book blogger Laura (Bibliophile at Best).

September 5, 2013

Book Haul as of September 3r..

Book Haul as of September 3rd, 2013

 That’s right, it’s book haul day! I have 11 books to show you all today so sit back with your Goodreads open and let’s get started. The first book I got was written by a very good friend of mine, Laura Heiser. This is her first book, a post-apocalyptic zombie novel that is the first […]

September 3, 2013

Slayers by CJ Hill

Slayers by CJ Hill

Slayers by CJ Hill Publisher: Feiwell & Friends Release Date: September 2011 373 Pages Received: Library copy in preparation for review of Slayers #2: Friends and Traitors ARC from Goodreads Rating:    Format: Hardcover     Summary: A rich girl, Tori, goes to Dragon Camp for the summer only to discover that it is no ordinary camp and […]

September 2, 2013

A Change in Location and Oth..

A Change in Location and Other Stories…

I have returned to the “Land of Learning” aka college! I have my own room which is, for once, clean. With that being said, updates may begin to come slower  as the semester continues. I will endeavor to keep posting as much as I can as my class schedule permits. On another note, one of […]

August 26, 2013

A Cool Moment…

A Cool Moment…

I love my Goodreads. I update it with new books every day. Believe me, that’s easy to do when you are passionate about books. There is so much out there. But this post isn’t about how obsessive I am about my Goodreads. It’s about how Goodreads can connect you to awesome people. It’s also about […]

August 23, 2013

A Quick Update

This next book haul is going to be massive. I haven’t even started putting it together yet for several reasons. The first is that I’m going to Half Price Books today so it’s going to get even bigger. I have a problem, don’t judge me. The second is that I just have not had time. […]

August 22, 2013