Author: John Green

Zombiecorns by John Green

Zombiecorns by John Green

3 Nuts How is it that John Green even makes a stupid zombie corn novella sound pretentiously beautiful even when it is hurried and uncopyedited? Forget about your feelings about the guy for a minute and consider how a random charity project he put out for free is better written then like half of what […]

October 30, 2017

Turtles All the Way Down by ..

Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

4.5 Nuts As John Green books go I’d have to call TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN one of his best. When I think of a John Green novel I think of highly intelligent teenagers and tragic love stories, but that is not TURTLES, not at all. TURTLES has a depth to it than none of […]

October 12, 2017

Paper Towns by John Green

Paper Towns by John Green

2 Nuts John Green’s books run the gambit for me. You’ve got the good (TFIOS, OOKING FOR ALASKA), that bad (AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES) and the ugly (WILL GRAYSON, WILL GRAYSON). So where does that leave this middle book, PAPER TOWNS? Well, I guess somewhere in the middle. PAPER TOWNS is nowhere near as boring […]

September 10, 2017

Turtles All the Way Down, Fi..

Turtles All the Way Down, First Chapter

  So yesterday, author John Green read the first chapter of his new book TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. I have never made it a secret that while I like John, his books are often very hit or miss for me. In fact I was very wary of preordering TURTLES because I was worried it would […]

September 6, 2017

Will Grayson, Will Grayson b..

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

1 Nut *headdesk, headdesk, headdesk* Alright, real talk. I cannot read books without proper grammar. It. Drives. Me. Nuts. Heck, it bothers me if there are incorrect punctuation and word choice. So imagine my horror reading the David Levithan side Will Grayson where the kid can’t even capitalize the first word in the sentence. I […]

August 22, 2017

An Abundance of Katherines b..

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

DNF With the release of TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN coming up I figured it was time to finally get these last two books out of the way. Having already read and loved LOOKING FOR ALASKA and THE FAULT IN OUR STARS I picked up AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES hoping for something in the same […]

August 21, 2017
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