Publisher: Epic Reads Impulse

Novella Review: The Black Kn..

Novella Review: The Black Knife

4.5 Nuts   Like most of these novellas, this novella contains spoilers for The Orphan Queen. If you don’t want to be spoiled do not read this review. It is also recommended that you do not read these novellas until you have read The Orphan Queen. These novellas are best when read in order.   […]

March 16, 2016

Novella Review: The Burning ..

Novella Review: The Burning Hand

4.5 Nuts   This is the third novella in the Orphan Queen series, which make MUCH more sense if read in order.   This is the novella I like to refer to as the “novella of secrets”. Seriously, everyone has a secret. First, there’s a HUGE, MEGA AWESOME secret regarding James, which if you’ve read […]

March 16, 2016

Novella Review: The Glowing ..

Novella Review: The Glowing Knight

4 Nuts   This is the second novella in Tobiah’s backstory. If you haven’t read The Orphan Queen and don’t know Tobiah’s secret then these novellas will spoil a MAJOR plot point for you and you will be sad bananas. The Glowing Knight picks up where the Hidden Prince left off, with Tobiah trying to […]

March 16, 2016