Publisher: Harper

Review: Fate of the Tearling

Review: Fate of the Tearling

4 Nuts After months of waiting it’s finally here. Back in the Spring I decided to marathon both Queen of the Tearling and Invasion of the Tearling and found myself impatient as there were months between me and Fate. First I tried to get an arc. No dice. Then I saw how much Amazon was […]

December 2, 2016
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Review: Invasion of the Tear..

Review: Invasion of the Tearling

So here’s the thing: I really do like this book. BUT, and yeah that’s a big BUT, this one took a weird turn. But let’s start at the beginning. Queen Kelsea is dealing with the backlash of all her decisions in Queen of the Tearling. And I’m sure that kind of thing would change a […]

April 1, 2016
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Review: The Queen of the Tea..

Review: The Queen of the Tearling

4.5 Nuts   This book is an enigma. It’s one of those books that’s hard to really pin down. It’s like an older Throne of Glass maybe, or similar to Orphan Queen. I’ve also heard it compared to Game of Thrones but it certainly can’t compete on number of characters, wandering plots, sex, or even […]

March 29, 2016