Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books

The Vanishing Stair by Maure..

The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson

5 Nuts Oh hi, it’s me. A long hiatus, I know, but life got a little screwy there for a bit. Not to worry, reading has NOT taken a back seat. In fact I have tons of reviews coming your way. Including this one. If you have followed me for a year or so you’ll […]

June 6, 2019
1 Comment

Heart of Thorns Blog Tour- M..

Heart of Thorns Blog Tour- Mini Review

  YASSS FANTASY YASSSS! This book is pure epic fantasy goodness and it makes my inner nerd squee with excitement. While I wouldn’t call it a standout by any means, it certainly follows the standard fantasy conventions, but it’s a good time for sure. If you’re a big time fantasy fan like I am I […]

July 30, 2018

Truly Devious by Maureen Joh..

Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

5 Nuts   That’s pretty much my reaction to this whole book. I’ve always been a bit if a mystery nut. I probably own just about every Agatha Christie in existence. So when the description said “for fans of Agatha Christie” I was super excited. Happily this book is exactly as promised. The mystery itself […]

January 19, 2018

Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent by Veronica Roth

4 Nuts Dystopian was a strange fad for a while. It was the IN genre for a couple of years and then suddenly it was like the plague. One of the big dystopians that everyone seemed to be reading was DIVERGENT. I even read it, and loved it too. But I wondered if it would […]

September 2, 2017

Book Review: Carve the Mark ..

Book Review: Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

Overall, this book gets five nuts! I picked up Carve the Mark when I saw it in the store half because I loved Veronica Roth’s other writing and half because people were saying not to. I don’t like to be told what to do, so naturally I decided I had to read it. Wow. I have no […]

May 28, 2017

Mini-Review : Secret of a He..

Mini-Review : Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee

i’m not a huge fan of contemporary reads, but i LOVED THIS BOOK SO COMPLETELY. it read almost like a light fantasy, and the complexities of the Mim’s world amazed me. along side, the book is filled with wonderfully diverse characters like Kali and Pascha, and who can forget the dreamy Court? i found Mim […]

January 17, 2017
1 Comment



This book had long been on my want to review/pre-order list.  I loved the description and was right up my alley of things i love to read. it didn’t disappoint! It’s not often I sit and read a book all in one sitting.  It’s actually quite rare. this but this book…..! It’s all consuming, just […]

March 25, 2016
1 Comment

YA Review: The Mirror King b..

YA Review: The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows

5 Nuts   Guess whaaaaaaaat? It’s almost release time for Mirror King! Let’s hear a big cheer. 🙂 I was lucky enough to get an ARC and read the whole series, novellas and all, in one fell swoop. If you get the chance I totally recommend reading them this way. It makes the emotional impact […]

March 25, 2016

YA Review: The Orphan Queen ..

YA Review: The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows

4 Nuts   I was a little wary of this book. I was not worried about the subject matter, this kind of book is right up my alley, but I had started Jodi Meadows’ Incarnate series and DNFed the first book less than halfway through. I didn’t like the writing and I thought the story […]

March 15, 2016

YA Review: A Study in Charlo..

YA Review: A Study in Charlotte by Bethany Cavallaro

5 Nuts   Yes that is a 5 nut rating. No I’m not exaggerating. I’m a bit obsessed with anything Sherlock related and this book is not an exception. Now, A Study in Charlotte is NOT a retelling. I cannot stress that enough. It’s not a genderbend, these characters are the descendants of Watson and Holmes, […]

March 7, 2016