You guys have been so awesome since I decided to start collecting books for kids in need at the Children’s hospital. Well, now I’m expanding it into a full on project! If you want to read the original post that inspired the project, look here.
Welcome to the Books for Kids project (I know, I need a better name). This is going to be the permanent home for my book donation project, all donations going directly to kids in need.
So here’s the details:
We’re looking for anything you’re willing to give. Be it children’s picture books, first reader chapter books, Middle grade, YA, and maybe even NA or adult. If you think a kid or teen will read it, we will take it.
Any book you give will be taken to a children’s hospital or ward at one of the hospitals in the Toledo area. If we get a large number we may also expand to troubled teen programs and shelters in the area as well.
If you’re an author or business who wants to help out, you’re certainly welcome as well! We would love to have you. You can get in contact with me to arrange whatever you want to do with our program.
I may be partnering with local businesses and organizations to organize a physical drive as well in the future. However, at the moment we cannot accept monetary donations until I figure out what exactly needs to happen to make it work.
If you want to be part of the Books for Kids project, shoot me an email at [email protected]. I can let you know all of the relevant details.
Thank you for helping out.
From my shelf to yours,