I love my Goodreads. I update it with new books every day. Believe me, that’s easy to do when you are passionate about books. There is so much out there. But this post isn’t about how obsessive I am about my Goodreads. It’s about how Goodreads can connect you to awesome people. It’s also about a book. A book I’ve been dying to read since I learned of its existence.
You may know that I have won a couple books through Goodreads’ First Reads giveaways. One of the ones I didn’t win was called The Iron-Jawed Boy by Nikolas Lee. First, look at this awesome cover.
I adore it. I was instantly drawn to this cover. The synopsis drew me in even further. It’s about a boy with an iron jaw magically welded to his face. He fights a great war on behalf of evil gods who draft him. To make things even worse, he is reincarnated as a Guardian and made to serve the people he hates so much. There is no way I could resist a story like that!
However, I didn’t win the book and I was really disappointed. But I kept it on my to-read shelf and made a mental note to add it to my wishlist. Today I got a message on Goodreads from the book’s author, Nikolas Lee. He knew that I had added the book to my shelf and asked if I would be interested in receiving an ebook copy of the book in exchange for a review. I immediately said that I would be more than happy to do that. It was a really cool moment and I’m so grateful to get the chance to read The Iron-Jawed Boy.
Thank you so much to Nikolas Lee for the book!
Happy Reading!
The Book Nut
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